MailBee POP3 allows you to
This is a one page self
ASPWebMail is a complete web
DevMailer is a COM object
write e-mail managing and
submitting form that you can
based mail solution for IIS
designed to send Email via
retrieving engine in just a
edit to look however you
servers, with a licensed
SMTP from any COM / OLE /
few seconds. It supports
This has some very
ActiveX mail control
ActiveX enabled application.
secure authentication to
slick built in server side
included. It mimics the mail
It features: Small, Fast
POP3 server, partial
form validation.
This sends
functionality of Outlook on
object for sending email via
retrieval of the messages,
the email using CDOSYS using
the web, and is highly
SMTP, Unlimited File
determining message sizes
your existing POP3 email
configurable. It allows you
Attachments, Unlimited
without downloading message
account and email
to check, save, reply and
Backup SMTP Servers,
headers, deleting messages,
Once purchased you
send email from several POP3
Failsafe Message Queuing in
parsing and decoding
can use this code on as many
mailboxes from anywhere on
case of SMTP Server failure,
messages into easy-to-use
web sites as you like.
the web. Highlights:
Support for CC and BCC
Message objects.
is pure ASP source code so
Groups, Attachments, HTML
recipients, Optimized for
you can add or remove fields
messages, Allow
concurrent usage, Can send
pretty easily by looking at
subscriptions, Multiple POP
multiple messages per
what is already there. This
accounts, Strong message
connection, Verify email
code is EXTREMELY clean and
encryption, Rightclick
addresses at SMTP Server,
easy to follow along with.
context menu, Bandwitdh
Useful Email utility
quota, Inbox filters, DNSBL
functions, Supports MIME
support, AutoPreview,
File Attachments,
External link blocking
Content-Types, and Character
(HTML), Attachment blocking,
Sets, and Detailed session
Auto-forwarding, , Supports
logging, as well as the NT
NT Authentication, Remove
Event Log support for fatal
attachments. Updated: Secure
POP3 (SSL on Port 995),
Fixes and tweaks.
Date: Feb, 01 2006 Date: Sep, 18 2006 Date: Oct, 19 2006 Date: Jan, 14 2000 |
ANUPLOAD Object is a COM
Using JMail will enable you
The EasyMail Objects are a
Web based email application -
Object built by Visual C++
to easily send email from
set of full featured, easy
will run on your shared
ATL. It enables your ASP
your web page through the
to use COM objects for
hosting account no need to
application to upload
web server - without having
creating, sending,
have dedicated server - you
individual or multiple files
to use an email client such
retrieving, displaying,
can say clone of yahoo mail
througth browser to server
as Eudora, Exchange or
editing, storing &
system almost all features
based on HTTP protocol. It
Outlook. Key features
printing Internet e-mail.
that hotmail provides Mail
provides rich file I/O
include: Attachments, Return
With just a few lines of
you like have . You can also
operations. Developer can
Receipt, Log files, Set
code you can easily add full
send and receive email using
easily use those features to
Priority, MIME and BASE64
featured, mission critical
outlook and pop3 clients
copy, move and delete
Encoding, Queued mailings
e-mail capabilities to apps
plus you will get
files/directories. It also
without separate NT service,
written in just about any
notification of new email at
supports database operations
Unlimited redundant servers,
development system,
your desktop
to insert hunk data into
Blind Carbon Copy (BCC),
including: C++, VB, ASP,
Carbon Copy (CC), Urgent
Pearl, PowerBuilder, Access,
flagging, US ASCII,
etc. Fully support SMTP,
UUEncoding, X-Headers and
custom headers, MS Mail and
Base64, Uuencode,
Exchange priority headers,
Quoted-Printable, HTML,
and Internal MX lookup with
& more! Royalty-free
MX priority and redundancy.
Date: Sep, 27 2002 Date: Oct, 07 1999 Date: Sep, 25 2003 Date: Apr, 05 2005 |