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Email Systems


Advanced Mail

Hits: 676


Hits: 167

My mail application

Hits: 343
Advanced Mail lets you send
AspEcard is a dynamic
My Mail Application is an ASP
sends a formatted email -
e-mail from your web
electronic postcard system
Webmail client new
makes the data more
pages. It provides support
that will create interest
application which will make
readable easily add new
for the most popular e-mail
and drive traffic to your
email management and
input fields, just add to
objects: Persits AspEmail -
Website. You create your own
business communications
HTML form and these will be
Cdonts - CdoSys - Dimac
categories and images or use
manageable and efficient.
sent - no code changes
JMail Soft Artisan SMTPmail
ours. Your site visitors
required to the ASP
- ServerObjects AspMail.
will love sending the
code checks all fields
electronic postcards to
are completed, if not then
their friends and associates
returns to an error.html
and their friends and
page on success returns
associates will have to come
to a thankyou.html
to your Website to pickup
page uses four small files
their cards.

Date: Dec, 11 2004

Date: Aug, 12 2004

Date: Jul, 29 2004

Date: Mar, 19 2004
Email Enable your application
A simple ASP script which
This is an easy program that
Convert a Web page to EML or
or process. MailListBot is
allows the user to change
allows you to plug in an
MHT in one line of code.
available as a COM object or
their POP password from a
email address, message and
Simply provide the URL, and
EXE for integration with
what date you wanted
Chilkat MHT constructs the
your ASP, VB, Java, or C++
reminded on. On that date
EML (or MHT) and embeds all
application. Features
you'll receive that message.
the necessary images and
include: Multiple file
Great for community pages
styles sheets. Integrates
attachments, sending to an
and just for yourself. It
with Chilkat's mail
unlimited number of
runs on Access database and
components, and its open
the script is barebones for
architecture allows it to
"CC:", or
easy implementation on your
work with other email
"BCC:" recipients
components or systems. Can
by specifying a file
handle any language Web page
containing a comma delimited
including Chinese, Japanese,
list. Run in test mode: a
Korean, etc.
great way to test the email
addresses on your list for
validity. MailListBot will
connect to the mail server,
and address your email to
each recipient - the invalid
emails show up on the screen
and are put in the log file.
MailListBot makes it easy
for you to include in your
own programs, HTML forms, or
web applications. If you
need mailing functionality
in your own program
MailListBot can fill the gap.

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004
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