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Email Systems



Hits: 444

StrongCube ASP SMTP Component

Hits: 137
Requires JMail Component.
StrongCube ASP SMTP Component
This a protocol built for any
Now, visitors of your site
Supports multiple POP3
is a basic component used to
website. You just have to
can contact you through a
accounts, unlimited users,
send e-mail using Simple
call a funcation from your
form on your site. You can
SPAM filters, address book,
Mail Transfer Protocol
asp code and you can send
enter the Admin Area to
skins, audio notifications,
(SMTP) and manage MIME
the email. Currently
check your inbox and manage
html editor for rich content
attachments. Supports
supports persitsaspmail,
totally the incoming
emails, looks and functions
multiple file attachments,
jmail, jmailhtml,
messages, replies, and
just like a desktop
multiple recipients, CCs,
address book... Simply
BCCs, plain/HTML message, US
you're managing an Email
ASCII/ISO-8859-1 character
cdonts, cdontshtml,
System from your site.... No
bamboosmtp, ocxmail ,
need any more to use you
dundasmail, aspsmartmail.
Normal Email Address on your
site. Features:
Attachments, Multiple
Delete, and Mass
Mailing... This ASP
Script uses MS Access with
ability to be upgraded into

Date: Jan, 14 2004

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Nov, 26 2003
FathMail is a COM component
Professional Contact Form a
M-Chinese is an ActiveX
The EasyMail Objects are a
for use with ASP or any
custom form to mail script
component for sending Arabic
set of full featured, easy
other Windows development
to use in any web site. Your
email from ASP Web sites and
to use COM objects for
tool. It supports sending
clients can send their
Microsoft Windows
creating, sending,
mail with SMTP and receiving
messages to you filling only
applications. It works as an
retrieving, displaying,
mail with POP3 protocols.
a simple form. Script
ActiveX object but also
editing, storing &
Features include: send
supports Persist AspEmail,
exposes DLL functions
printing Internet e-mail.
message using SMTP with
CDONTS, W3 JMail 4.1.
directly. It includes an EXE
With just a few lines of
optional authentication; add
for CGI operation via
code you can easily add full
attachments (files, images,
XMLHTTP. M-Chinese can
featured, mission critical
construct and send
e-mail capabilities to apps
professional plain-text and
written in just about any
messages from POP3 servers;
HTML e-mail, with the
development system,
ability to retrieve only
ability to create an e-mail
including: C++, VB, ASP,
header of a message for
from a URL or HTML file, add
Pearl, PowerBuilder, Access,
faster processing; store
and zip compress
etc. Fully support SMTP,
messages into archive and
attachments, and convert
create messages out of raw
character encodings.
Base64, Uuencode,
MIME text;
Quoted-Printable, HTML,
& more! Royalty-free
attachments from received

Date: Nov, 17 2003

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Nov, 06 2003

Date: Sep, 25 2003
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