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/** Search */




Hits: 1833

iAm Jobs Job Posting Board

Hits: 955

DM Simple AdRotator

Hits: 886

Spirit Content Manager

Hits: 845
LightForum is a small and
Downloadable Source Code for
Easy to install text-based
Spirit is a suite of
light software for viewing
fully functional .ASP
banner management. This new
applications designed to
and editing messages. Both
website: iAmJobs is a job
version lets you edit
simplify web site
are run in client side
board where employers can
banners online, check stats,
management. It's an ideal
without round-trip to the
login, create and manage
reset stats and set how
platform for small business
server, which makes it a
their own job postings.
often a banner should be
web sites. With user
good solution for a slow
Employee's login, create
displayed. Javascript gives
identity management, dynamic
networks. LightForum has
resume's for the employers
you an opportunity to
content management,
a multi-lingual user
to view and search for a
display the banners on your
communication tools and more
interface and supports the
job. VbScript, CDONTS,
non-asp sites.
built into one system.
following languages:
Access database. Code: ASP
Provides integrated tools to
English, Spanish, French,
3.0 & VBScript
help you accomplish your
Hebrew, Italian and German.
tasks quickly and
This feature is available
effectively, all under one
for both users and
control panel.
administrator. LightForum
includes a rich
administrator control panel.
You can try it in the
demo. LightForum includes
an HTML editor (works both
in HTML mode and in source
mode), and it lets users add
links and images, in both
desing and source
view. LightForum supports
file upload, and no DLL is

Date: Jun, 07 2004

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Apr, 04 2004

Date: Apr, 01 2004
This application was designed
The Red Scopion Content
Now available for download,
ecConED is a 100%
with the serious eBay seller
Management System offers the
the freeware filemanager
ASP/Javascript based on-line
in mind. Recently, my wife
client a complete solution
written in pure ASP. Enhance
content editor designed to
started her own eBay store,
to an online strategy and
your intranet or website
add content management to
and it wasn't long before we
low maintenance overhead.
with this strong online file
static page web site
realized that we needed a
designs. Has
system in place to manage
our inventory. The original
multi-role management
version was lacking in
feature. Provides staged
several departments, and was
updates allowing users to
quite honestly too complex
edit content and publish
by design. This version
only when ready. Works with
(version 2.1) is much more
most single and multi-folder
simplified in its use. It
sites. Use to convert
will track your inventory
existing web site or with
based on locations that you
purchased templates or
define. For example, if you
custom site designs.
have 5 shelves full of eBay
merchandise, you could name
them Shelf 1, Shelf 2, Shelf
3, etc. Or S1, S2, S3 -
whatever is easiest for
you. You can also track
information pertaining to
your buyers, such as who
bought it, their shipping
address, email, and eBay ID
number. The application also
has a very basic accounting
system built in to it. By
entering the price you paid
for the item, the price it
sold for, and the shipping
cost, you can view a report
for each month that will
show you your profit or
loss, complete with line
item detail. By far, the
feature I use the MOST is
the search feature. It is a
fairly thorough search
feature, allowing you to
search for just about any
term in the database. Very
handy if you are looking for
an item, and all you have is
the description.

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: Feb, 19 2004

Date: Feb, 19 2004

Date: Jan, 25 2004
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