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/** Search */



FLASH+ASP addressbook

Hits: 1110

Der winkel

Hits: 1912
Bokai barcode image generator
This application is designed
VU Web Visitor Analyst is an
Of the shop on an order it
ASP Edition is a COM
for those who wants to play
application that retrieves
has been made foutloos to
component that generates
advanced scripts with flash
your website visitors’ IP
the serves of UPS link. This
dynamic barcode images in
and asp
address, exact date and
property wrapped up dynamic
PNG or JPEG format. It can
time, visited page name, the
the builder offers of the
be used on web servers and
link a visitor came from
rise of the web a fast and
your HTML pages can embed a
originally (referred URL
easy manner to build and
bar code image URL (an ASP
address). You can view the
lead your an existing or new
file provided) without
single visitor history with
web shop.
programming. It supports
the list of all pages
rotation, fonts, colors,
visited. You can also
text positions, methods to
display visits by date
save a barcode image to a
criteria. The weekly
file or to draw to a device
statistics allow you to see
context. It supports 25
the total visits for every
barcode types: Code 39, Code
single day in the present
128, UPC, EAN, etc.
and last weeks. The monthly
statistics allow you viewing
the total visits of every
month for the whole year. In
addition, every visitor is
linked to the web database
containing personal
information about this
visitor’s IP address (such
as name, address, phone,
email, etc. if available).
And much more...

Date: Sep, 14 2004

Date: Jul, 20 2004

Date: Jul, 18 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004
The module offers complete
The module allows for active
HTML chat with support of
You can easily implement
monitoring of server
addressing of the visitor by
full customer customization
multilingual feature into
attendance. Statistics are
the server operator and
(font colour, font size,
your ASP scripts using this
saved on the server and can
subsequent communication
chat colour setting, etc.),
module. After replacing the
be viewed both in real time
between them via the chat
whispering, graphic
texts in application by
and retroactively.
channel provided that the
emoticons, management,
language constants you can
Monitoring of real-time
visitor accepts such
banning from the room,
easily translate into
visits, hourly and daily
discussion invitation.
locking of the room,
unlimited number of
statistics, means
Similarly, the visitor can
permanent and temporary
languages, switching between
statistics, numbers of
address the operator
rooms in unlimited number.
individual language versions
unique visits, numbers of
provided that the operator
It requires no installation
by a single mouse-click.
pages, history, active
is present (Live Support).
and downloading by the
Anyone having the
client addressing option,
SimpleTalk works on the
client. It runs purely on
appropriate authorisation
and more. See the list of
basis of Server Application
HTML basis (JavaScript is an
will be able to translate
all features.
Variables and, therefore, it
advantage, but it runs even
using your application via
does not load the database
without it
browser, without need of
knowing the script syntax,
etc. All one has to do is
click on the text and
translate. Translations can
be managed via web interface
or using Win32 client. An
ingenious solution for

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004
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