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/** Search */



ANTS Profiler

Hits: 358


Hits: 321


Hits: 979

ASP.NET Web Matrix

Hits: 360
Is your .NET application
DeKlarit uses a simple
Protect your .NET software
ASP.NET Web Matrix is a
running slowly? Are your web
entity-oriented design to
with Xheo.Licensing -
forms taking too long to
build a correct relational
dynamic, secure, XML based
easy-to-use WYSIWYG
load? Are your windows
model. This makes it
licensing. Using RSA
application development tool
applications sluggish? If
incredibly productive, as
encryption & dynamic
for ASP.NET. Features: Rapid
so, then you need ANTS
you don’t have to worry
limits that define the
ASP.NET Page Designer;
Profiler, our new code
about the normalization
environment in which
Integrated support to create
profiler. ANTS Profiler lets
process or object-relational
components can run. RSA
and edit SQL and MSDE
you drill down to examine
mapping. When your
public-key encryption makes
databases; Easy Data Bound
slow lines of code in any
requirements change,
sure licenses stay secure
UI Generation; XML Web
.NET application,
DeKlarit automatically
and cannot be altered by the
Services Support; Build
pinpointing problems in less
creates a new database
end user. Includes a full
Mobile Applications;
than five minutes.
schema, migrates the data
suite of license support
Supports both FTP-based and
from the old schema to the
including On-The-Fly
file-based workspaces that
new one, and regenerates the
Licensing for websites and
allow developers to easily
required DataSets and
POS integration, GUI License
organize and edit their
DataAdapters. DeKlarit
Management, a License Server
ASP.NET applications;
supports for SQL Server and
for remote validation, and
Develop and test your
Oracle and generates VB .NET
ASP.NET applications,
and C# code.
without requiring IIS; A
built-in gateway to the
ASP.NET community right
within the IDE.

Date: May, 07 2003

Date: Mar, 21 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2002

Date: Nov, 14 2002
* Dynamic Horizontal
MantisConnect is a C#
Category Menu - Shows your
webservice client connecting
store categories across the
to a PHP webservice. The C#
top. * Dynamic Vertical
webservice client is CLS
Category Menu - Shows your
compliant and hence it can
store categories in the
be used from any .NET
traditional lefthand
language. The webservice
location. * Product
can also be used from any
Search - Enhanced keyword
programming languages that
search and advanced search
supports webservices.
by SKU, ISBN, Product Name,
Manufacturer and more.
* Special Listing Menu -
Links to special store pages
like; Closeouts, New
Releases, Best Sellers.
Personalized pages for;
Bargain List (customers can
select products and be
automatically notified when
they go on sale), Wish List
(customers can add their
favorite products to a list
so they can return to the
store and easily buy) and
Reorder List (for
consumables and other items
your customers are likely to
reorder). * Customer
Service Pages - Allow your
customers to easily find out
all they need to know about
your store and procedures.
Handy templates can be
customized to provide your
store's specific
information. * Product
Info Fields - Tell your
customers everything they
could possibly want to know
about your products.
Standard Package,
Manufacturer, Dimensions,
Normal Shipping Info and
more. * Multiple
Product Images - Links to
large images and links to an
unlimited number of other
views of your products in
popup windows. * Cross
Sell to Increase Sales - Our
convenient Cross Sell links
tell you customers of other
products that may interest
them. * Email to a
Friend - Let's your
customers send friends links
to product pages or the
complete page! *
Personalized Customer Lists
- Let's customers create
their own product lists
(Wish List, Bargain List and
ReOrder List). Very handy
for developers 5 min
deployment. Easy for end
user to use update
products.(Browser based

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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