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NetToolWorks.NET SNMP component

Hits: 938

NetToolWorks.NET Mail component

Hits: 802
NetToolworks.Net S/MIME,
The NetToolworks.Net SNMP
The NetToolworks.Net S/MIME
Mail for .NET has a rich
NetToolworks.Net SNMP,
component comes with support
component allows .NET
feature set allowing users
NetToolworks.Net FTP, and
for versions 1, 2 and 3.
developers to quickly and
to add e-mail functionality
NetToolworks.Net Mail
NetToolWorks is proud to be
easily add advanced E-mail
to their applications
the first(and still only)
encryption, decryption,
without having to learn
component vendor to offer v3
signing and verification
complex protocols. Complex
support for the .NET
capabilities to their
MIME messages, HTML mail,
platform. SNMP for .NET lets
applications with minimal
file/memory streaming and
developers perform tasks
coding. S/MIME comes either
the ability to extend the
such as encoding and
as a standalone product for
framework are among the
decoding SNMP messages, MIB
existing owners of our Mail
advanced features supported.
tree building and more with
component or packaged with
only a few lines of code.
Mail for .NET, our robust
and rugged e-mail component

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
The NetToolworks.Net FTP
CompileX is based on a simple
In addition, you can load a
TierDeveloper is an O/R
component has a rich feature
idea that your data define
set of points from any
mapping and code generation
set allowing you to add FTP
the base structure of your
ODBC/OleDB compliant
tool that lets you map
functionality to your
application. Using easy
database. Every map consist
middle-tier objects to your
applications without having
changeable patterns and
of many layers. You can
database tables, embed
to learn complex protocols.
templates it generates
reference any
powerful SQL in them, and
Bulk file transfers, proxy
immediately working,
"field" in any
generate fully-working .NET
support, file/memory
ready-to-deploy business
layer. Asp-Maps Zoom/Pan
(C# and VB.NET) components.
streaming, direct access to
applications. It generates
control can used in
It also generates a
the FTP protocol and the
clear VB and C# code for
applications like Real
fully-functional ASP.NET
ability to extend the
Visual Studio.NET, ASP.NET,
Estate, Holiday let's, Fleet
application to let you test
framework are among the
normalized database, all
management and other.
generated components, and
advanced features provided.
required SQL queries, Web
design documents in HTML to
Services, typed datasets,
cut down your learning
sharp Web pages and Windows
curve. It also provides
forms, etc.
seamless integration with VS
.NET IDE to accelerate
n-tier application
development powered by

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003

Date: Jun, 11 2003

Date: May, 30 2003
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