
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 1022
So, What are the benefits?
Googol .NET Database Class
Chat80 brings totally new and
Evolve is a fully featured
Reduces development time in
Generator is a small tool
superior approach making
shopping cart for database
web based application. Easy
for easy code generation
your chatting easier and
driven, market orientated
to use and customizable.
for the Microsoft .NET
faster than ever! Chat80 is
web sites. It is perfect for
Allows files of size up to 4
framework. The tool
fast, intuitive and reliable
beginners to developers for
GB. Cost effective. What
generates Easy-to-Use C#
chat that will fulfill all
B2B and B2C e-commerce. The
are the features? KUpload
classes with methods for
your demands, whether are
shopping cart software is
can upload any number of
inserting, updating and
you administrator of
100% TURNKEY, fully design
files up to total of 4GB
deletion of rows in MS SQL
professional business site
customisable, packed with
size. Has real time HTML
Server, MS Access and MySQL
or home user running your
features and backed by 24/7
progress bar. It keeps track
own web site. FREE!
technical support. Evolve is
of every file upload and
an online shopping cart
allows you to watch how much
program that works through
of your file has been
your web browser.
uploaded. Full version has
facility to write in
database as well. User
defined function can be
fired during upload process.
KUpload is multithreaded to
take full advantage of
multiple processes.
Entirely ASP. net
Programming with C#. You
can use the KUpload Upload
class to access advanced
upload features. How to
Use? Unzip files to
application directory.
Provide Write access to
"ASPNET" user for
directory where files are to
be uploaded. Brows
"Files.aspx" to
upload files

Date: Jun, 22 2005

Date: May, 22 2005

Date: May, 12 2005

Date: May, 03 2005
cgWebQuery is an application
Often used as a web based
Rich Chart Server generates
FAQ Manager, unlimited
and development support
dealer locator, Allowing web
captivating dynamic Flash
categories, easy to use
tool. Unlike SQL Server
site visitors to enter a zip
charts from ASP.NET. Use the
security, powerful search
Query Analyzer, cgWebQuery
code, choose a radius and
included authoring tool to
capabilities - 24x7 answers
is a web based querying
find all of your business's
visually design a chart
about your products - SQL
tool. cgWebQuery was
locations that fall within
template which can include
Server, MS Access, ASP.Net
successfully tested by
the radius. ASPX scripts
stunning animation effects,
included, can be modified.
audio narration, text and
Includes sample search page
image elements, links and
and complete zip code
tooltips. Apply the template
database. Can be implemented
to any available .NET data
with a web service to
source or XML document to
manipulate more than one
generate an interactive
customer database over
Flash chart with
multiple applications, such
drill-downs, enabling
as IVR, call centers, and
sophisticated data
marketing applications.
navigation between multiple

Date: May, 03 2005

Date: Apr, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 21 2005

Date: Apr, 17 2005
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