
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Office Suites & Tools


Remove Duplicates from Excel

Hits: 353

ReplaceMagic Bundle Standard

Hits: 555
The add-on is designed for
Have you ever been in
Have you ever been in
Have you ever been in
searching and processing
situation that you need to
situation that you need to
situation that you need to
duplicates in Excel tables.
change text, header, footer,
change text, header, footer,
change text, header, footer,
Program key functions: a
comments, OLE object links,
comments, OLE object links,
comments, OLE object links,
search across rows or
hyperlinks or even more in
hyperlinks or even more in
hyperlinks or even more in
columns; search across an
thousands of files and you
thousands of files and you
thousands of files and you
entire table or a specified
had to open each file
had to open each file
had to open each file
range of cells; an
manually to make changes?
manually to make changes?
manually to make changes?
opportunity to compare by
ReplaceMagic can do that
With ReplaceMagic that is
With ReplaceMagic that is
values or formulas.
very simple.
very simple.

Date: Dec, 29 2006

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007
Have you ever been in
Have you ever been in
Have you ever been in
Have you ever been in
situation that you need to
situation that you need to
situation that you need to
situation that you need to
change text, header, footer,
change text, header, footer,
change text, header, footer,
change text, header, footer,
comments, OLE object links,
comments, OLE object links,
comments, OLE object links,
comments, OLE object links,
hyperlinks or even more in
hyperlinks or even more in
hyperlinks or even more in
hyperlinks or even more in
thousands of files and you
thousands of files and you
thousands of files and you
thousands of files and you
had to open each file
had to open each file
had to open each file
had to open each file
manually to make changes?
manually to make changes?
manually to make changes?
manually to make changes?
With ReplaceMagic that is
With ReplaceMagic that is
With ReplaceMagic that is
With ReplaceMagic that is
very simple.
very simple.
very simple.
very simple.

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007
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