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Newlite Business Card Printer

Hits: 374

Nitro PDF Professional

Hits: 450


Hits: 625

NiXPS (Windows)

Hits: 600
Newlite Business Card Printer
Create, view and edit PDF.
NiXPS is a cross platform
NiXPS is a cross platform
is a feature-rich cool and
Convert PDF to Word. First
software application (Mac
software application (Mac
high quality business card
30 days free. The first true
and PC) that allows you to
and PC) that allows you to
designing and printing
Acrobat alternative(tm)
inspect and manipulate XPS
inspect and manipulate XPS
software. This helps you
gives you easy PDF creation,
documents efficiently. Key
documents efficiently. Key
create the perfect business
powerful text, image and
features are: inspect XPS
features are: inspect XPS
cards you need and print
page editing, intuitive
files and embedded
files and embedded
them right-away on your own
commenting tools, robust
resources, merge and extract
resources, merge and extract
security functionality, and
documents and pages &
documents and pages &
much more.
text replacement.
text replacement.

Date: Jun, 20 2005

Date: Aug, 02 2006

Date: Apr, 06 2007

Date: Apr, 06 2007
'NoMoreDupes for Outlook' is
Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
Produce unique, information
novaPDF Lite allows you to
an Outlook add in to clean
that allows you to create
rich, vivid solutions for
easily create PDF files. It
your Outlook duplicates.
and stick customizable Notes
enhanced creative thinking
installs as a printer
to Outlook e-mails, tasks,
and compelling
driver, enabling you to
contacts, appointments and
presentations. Smooth curves
print from any Windows
meetings like using
and colorful pictures create
application. Features
Post-Itâ„¢ notes.
powerful images for your
include: customizable
Auto-insert content of the
brain to remember. Organize
resolution, document
linked note, when replying
thoughts and solve problems
information, quality
or forwarding e-mail.
settings, predefined page
size and more.

Date: Sep, 20 2006

Date: Aug, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 03 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007
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