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Office Suites & Tools


MacroRunner for Excel

Hits: 421

Manager CyberCafe

Hits: 659

MAPILab Find and Replace

Hits: 693

MAPILab Toolbox

Hits: 422
MacroRunner is a powerful
CyberCafe is a program
MAPILab Find and Replace for
A set of 18 "must
Excel add-in that enables
product which intended for
Excel is an advanced version
have" Microsoft Outlook
users to easily automate the
the intensive and tight
of the "Find and
2000/XP/2003/2007 add-ins
process of running Excel
control of computer clubs,
Replace" function. The
for high-performance and
macros. You can have macros
play halls and the Internet
add-on has a number of
useful functionality: you
run in response to workbook
cafe. More competent
benefits: simultaneous work
can schedule message
or worksheet related events
approach to the organization
with several files; saving
sending; access files from
or as a part of a user
for inside computer network
and downloading retrieval
your computer through email;
defined function.
is the major advantage of
requests as templates for
manage your contact base;
new system.
reuse and other.
redirect your messages, and

Date: Mar, 01 2007

Date: Feb, 05 2006

Date: Dec, 29 2006

Date: Dec, 12 2006
Mavscript allows the user to
Efficient, fast and easy to
Manage club membership
With Merge Cells Wizard you
do calculations in a text
use computer system for
information. Tracks dues,
can merge data from several
document. Plain text and
maintaining memberships in a
committees, attendance,
Microsoft Excel cells into
OpenOffice Writer files
club of any size and
fundraising, member
one cell using any separator
(odt,sxw) are supported. The
profile. Organize members
interests, awards, the
you like (e.g. line break).
calculation is done by the
records, track overdue
club's finances, user
The add-in preserves all
algebra system Yacas or by
payments, produce various
defined reports and much
data if the selection
the Java interpreter
reports within minutes and
more. Serves as a tool for
contains multiple data
much more. More info on
the club's officers.
values. For Excel 2007,
2003, XP, 2000.

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Sep, 20 2002

Date: Jun, 25 2005

Date: Nov, 08 2006
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