
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Office Suites & Tools



Hits: 430

Pop-up Excel Calendar

Hits: 132

Power Pointer

Hits: 806

Powerbacks Basic Sampler

Hits: 790
Powerful search utility to
Working with dates in Excel
KIBase Power Pointer (C) is a
30 Free fully licensed basic
find content across hundreds
is not as easy as it sounds.
tool that makes your
templates from the acclaimed
of PowerPoint
Should you enter dd/mm/yy or
presentation more effective
Powerbacks collection. 1024
presentations. Instant
mm/dd/yy? Do you enter
and attractive.
x 768 pixels in both pot and
slide pre-viewer to see
slashes or dashes or dots?
jpg formats, compatible with
slide content Quickly build
Pop-up Excel Calendar solves
PowerPoint 2000-2004.
new slide presentations from
all the headaches by adding
Powerbacks offers various
existing content Instantly
a pop-up calendar to your
gradients, textures and
view, edit your new
fractals to enhance
presentation in PowerPoint

Date: Dec, 01 2003

Date: Sep, 01 2006

Date: Dec, 12 2005

Date: Nov, 01 2005
PowerPoint Slide Show
PowerPoint to Video Converts
PowerPoint to Video Converts
PowerPointPipe is used by IT
Converter turns a
PowerPoint presentations
PowerPoint presentations
personnel to change
presentation created with
into video [AVI] file.
into video [AVI] file and
hyperlinks when a server
Microsoft PowerPoint into a
Sharing your presentations
burn to DVD. Sharing your
gets renamed, by SMEs and
self-running slide show
to everyone.
presentations to everyone.
large organizations when
application (executable
they change their contact
file) that can be run on
details/name/etc, by
Windows computers without
translators to apply massive
requiring any additional
search/replace lists - the
programs or files.
list of uses is endles

Date: Apr, 03 2007

Date: Feb, 13 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Mar, 19 2007
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