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Web Traffic Analysis


Hour Tracker

Hits: 1076

Birthday Reminder

Hits: 981


Hits: 486


Hits: 1177
Hour Tracker Pro: Time
The Birthday reminder will
PRISM is Inovaware’s core
Resolve is a Helpdesk and
tracking system that allows
help manage birthdays for
billing and customer
Knowledge Base application
for multiple employees. Hour
you. It will also send you
management solution. The
that facilitates the
Tracker Pro is extremely
two day reminders and same
platform has a flexible
management of high volumes
configurable to any
day reminders for upcomming
business solution that
of support and customer
business. Use as an Intranet
provides complete customer
inquiries. Tightly
or Internet time-clock punch
lifecycle management and
integrated with PRISM,
system. Hour Tracker Pro is
billing Built with a
Resolve offers powerful
a Web application for .NET
flexible system architecture
problem management and
Windows server. Features
to permit support for a wide
resolution, customer
include: Instant view change
variety of business models
self-help, reporting
where the start of the
and integration into complex
capabilities and enables
workweek and the structure
operating environments,
companies to rapidly improve
of the calendar view could
PRISM supports real-time
productivity and the quality
be changed at an instance.
processing for orders, real
of the support provided to
In manager mode, all time
time access and updating of
customers. Tickets submitted
card entries are completely
account information by
by the customer through
editable and switching to
customer service
email and the web-based
employee interface is as
representatives and
PRISM Customer Web Interface
easy as selecting a name.
customers, automated
are automatically linked by
marketing operations and
Resolve to the appropriate
large-scale backend
customer record in PRISM.
processing for recurring
This integration allows
customer invoicing,
Resolve internal users—such
recurring payment collection
as support staff—to see the
and other
entire customer billing and
support views (such as all
operations. Through the
current correspondence,
rating and billing engine,
historical correspondence,
PRISM is capable of
etc.) from one
real-time, complex charge
interface—enabling superior
calculations based on a
customer service.
combination of customer and
service parameters as well
as priority levels. PRISM is
written to support easy
customizability, multiple
database platforms and
distributed backend

Date: Dec, 01 2005

Date: Dec, 01 2005

Date: Dec, 07 2005

Date: Dec, 07 2005
Images are created directly
Chart FX OLAP seamlessly
Chart FX Statistical
Chart FX Financial Extension
on the website using an
integrates to Visual Studio
seamlessly integrates to
product has been designed to
intuitive and fully-featured
.NET and provides the most
Visual Studio .NET,
provide a vast variety of
user interface. Using the
advanced and intuitive user
providing additional chart
predefined financial
powerful and familiar method
interface specifically built
types, a myriad of
indicators and special chart
of graphic layers you can
for OLAP pivoting, slicing
pre-defined statistical
types to perform Technical
compose website images from
and drilldown. Chart FX for
studies, new classes for
Analysis on stock market
a variety of shapes, text,
OLAP supports ADO-MD and XML
statistical calculations and
data and information.
images and textures. Image
for Analysis for integration
much more. This Extension
Here's a sample list of
definitions are stored as
with major leading OLAP
allows Chart FX for .NET
indicators supported by
standard XML files,
server vendors like
developers to quickly apply
Chart FX Financial: 10-Days
preserving their multi-layer
Microsoft SQL Server® and
statistical analysis without
Moving Average 50-Days
attributes which enables
Hyperion Essbase®. An
the task of incorporating
Moving Average 200-Days
rapid and efficient
OLAP server enables
complex mathematical
Moving Average Accumulation
modifications to be made to
intuitive data browsing and
algorithms into their code.
Distribution Average True
images at any time. This is
querying, supports analytic
Simply configure the
Range Bollinger
a particularly useful
complexity, and provides
extension to compute the
Bands Chaikin
feature during the dynamic
great query performance
desired calculations and
Oscillator Chaikin's
process of website
through transparent
Chart FX Statistical will
Volatility Commodity
development. GM-X Pro
navigation of pre-computed
deliver the desired chart.
Channel Index Detrended
fully supports the web
aggregations. However, most
Chart FX Statistical
Price Oscillator Ease of
standard graphic types GIF,
client tools are designed an
provides end users with a
Movement Envelopes
JPG and PNG as input and
implemented as end user
customizable statistical
Exponential Moving
export formats. Each layer
applications that do not
legend. This legend is used
Average Lanes Stochastics
supports its own independent
allow developers to
to display analysis studies
M.A. Convergence/Divergence
level and type of
seamlessly integrate OLAP
and calculations that are
Mass Index Median Price
transparency. Runs on
functionality to their
performed on sample data. It
Momentum Money Flow Index
any Microsoft Windows .NET
client server or browser
also serves an interface for
Relative Strenght Index
server producing standard
based applications.
end users to display
Standard Deviation
HTML - no browser plugins
interactive analysis studies
Triangular Moving Average
required. Full control
added to the chart. The
TRIX Typical Price
over the quality of your
newly designed Statistical
Vertical Horizontal Filter
images (compression and
UI allows end users to apply
Volume Volume Oscillator
color depth).
different formulas, view
Weighted Close Weighted
properties and observe
Moving Average Williams %R
relationships between

Date: Dec, 07 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Apr, 04 2006
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