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ActiveMail Lite

Hits: 319


Hits: 500

Passage Portal .NET

Hits: 988


Hits: 1007
ActiveMail Lite is a lite
DockStudioXP 2 provides you
Passage Portal .NET provides
ASPRunner.NET creates a set
version of our component
with the ability to deliver
portal and content
of ASP.NET pages to access
ActiveMail. ActiveMail Lite
Office XP/2003 toolbars and
management features right
and modify Oracle, SQL
only includes SMTP features.
dockable windows. Docked,
out of the box. Highly and
Server, MS Access, MySQL.
Included features : All SMTP
Floating, Collapsed and
secure and reliable. Ideal
Easy to follow wizard-like
functionalities (sending
Tab-Docked docking window
for extranet or web site
interface will walk you
emails), mail queuing
styles. In-built Theme
portals. Develop portlets
through the steps of
support, mail merge,
support, MDI and Visual
using Visual Studio.NET.
building the pages in just
validation, MX & DNS
Studio.NET style Tabbed-MDI
Source code examples
15 minutes. Generated
management, parsing. Our
document management.
ASP.NET code is robust and
component is all you need to
easy to modify. Version
send emails from a single
3.0 comes with ASP.NET 2.0
one to hundreds of
support (C# and VB.NET).
thousands! Please check our
pricing page to see the
financial advantage of this

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Apr, 15 2004

Date: Sep, 11 2004

Date: Dec, 08 2006
Combination of user
Shopping cart for Microsoft
Kentico CMS provides a
Customers carry a transponder
experience, backend
FrontPage and Macromedia
full-featured content
that is mounted in a device
administration tools,
Dreamweaver/UltraDev running
management system for
such as a key chain or
complete catalog/content
on the Windows ASP.NET
ASP.NET Web sites, product
mobile phone. At the
management, & complete
application server platform.
catalogs and knowledge
point-of-sale, the customer
.NET developer framework
Uses Open source VB ASP.NET
bases. It features flexible
waives the transponder at a
that can be extended &
scripting and either Access
navigation, content/design
RFID reader/antenna that
modified to meet your
or SQL database.
separation, workflow,
will pick up each
needs. Business Features
Step-by-step wizard guides
permissions, multilingual
transponder's unique
Customer Self Service
initial store completion.
support, full-text search,
identifier signal. The
Accounts Shopping Cart
Real-time shipping service
SEO, content staging,
reader/antenna will then
Catalog/Content Management
free for a year. Comes
e-commerce, on-line forms,
pass that information onto
& Publishing
complete with support for
newsletters, forums, image
the appropriate value added
Catalog/Role Security
AuthorizeNet, PayPal and
gallery and 27 web controls.
network to verify the
Product/SKU Management
other popular transaction
It can be used with Visual
customer's profile and
Customer/Editorial Reviews
processors, browser-based
Studio 2003, 2005 and Visual
credit information. Upon
Customer Management Order
order management,
Web Developer 2005 Express.
authentication, the terminal
Management Affiliates
processes the transaction,
Digital Downloads Batch
product/catalog management.
prints a receipt, and the
Updates Order Processing
Build unlimited shopping
customer is on his way.
Workflow Enablement Serial
carts with unlimited
Sets License Management
products from a single
Currency Rates/Exchange
install. Contains advanced
Payment Plans Real-Time
features like auction,
Carts Built in Payment
product options,
Gateways Custom Payment
discounting, LivePerson,
Gateway and much more..
real-time currency
Developer Features
calculation and more.
Written Completely in C#
Supports .NET 1.1 & 2.0
Framework AJAX Utilization
for Customer Experience
Feature Rich Framework
Flexible Templates/Virtual
Pages Accessible by any
.NET Language Advanced Meta
Data Services Plug-In
Services Web Services
Architecture and much more..

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Jan, 25 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2004
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