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/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis



Hits: 536

Adaptrust Album Publisher

Hits: 832
A number of companies in the
The Replicator will copy any
PortSight Meta Tree 2.0, a
Adaptrust Album is designed
security and access control
file and is extremely easy
successful content
for sharing your photo,
industry are incorporating
to use! Plenty of options
management component for
product pictures, project
access control into a range
and best of all, it's
.NET, was released. Meta
image document on the web.
of perimeter and building
freeware. Copy software or
Tree simplifies building of
Secured schema allows
security systems, as well as
Application, but please do
ASP.NET applications that
control your album.
vehicle and parking access
not make copies of software
organize relational and
Integated email enables send
applications. Transponders
you do not own. Freeware -
unstructured data in
picture link to your friends
can be mounted on automobile
for business and personal use
hierarchical structures. You
on the fly, you also have
windshields, contained in
can easily manage data and
options to compress the
employee badges, or carried
metadata using a unified API
original picture by any
on key rings. Readers are
with functions including
rate. Web-based Album is
mounted inside walls at
full-text search,
deliverable as a web plug-in
doorways and outdoors
multilingual support,
which uses ASP.NET and C#,
alongside entranceways to
management of users, tree
we currently privide SQL
parking garages and lots.
structures and permissions.
Server 2000 version, MS
The iTAGŪ RFID line of
Access version. Price:
13.56 MHz badges and
(SQL Server version)
readers, brings the access
$228 Price: (MS Access) $98
control market the superior
DEMO UserID: demo DEMO
security, faster transfer
Password: demo
speed, and 2000-bit memory
of the ISO 15693 vicinity
card standard, delivered by
the global leader in RFID
solutions. As a pioneer
in 13.56 MHz technology in
the Philippines who has
built innovative solutions
from retail and logistics
tracking to wireless
payments systems, AC
Corporation is harnessing
this powerful technology for
the security and access
control industry.

Date: Aug, 23 2004

Date: Sep, 29 2004

Date: Aug, 26 2004

Date: Feb, 05 2005
ssLMS stands for
* Dynamic Horizontal
MantisConnect is a C#
TCDesigner brings class to
SweetSuite.NET Learning
Category Menu - Shows your
webservice client connecting
the chore of creating your
Management System. Using the
store categories across the
to a PHP webservice. The C#
classes! You'll have
latest Microsoft development
top. * Dynamic Vertical
webservice client is CLS
TCDesigner's easy
platform (.NET - C#) we have
Category Menu - Shows your
compliant and hence it can
point-and-click interface
created a training product
store categories in the
be used from any .NET
cranking out excellent
that is extremely easy to
traditional lefthand
language. The webservice
performing code in no time.
use. ssLMS allows course
location. * Product
can also be used from any
Unlike our competitors, no
instructors to rapidly
Search - Enhanced keyword
programming languages that
template scripting is
develop courses materials
search and advanced search
supports webservices.
required. The only input is
and exams that can be as
by SKU, ISBN, Product Name,
your SQL Server database!
simple or complex as they
Manufacturer and more.
Also unlike the competition
desire. Access to the ssLMS
* Special Listing Menu -
TCDesigner is very
system is 100% web-based,
Links to special store pages
affordable. You control the
allowing students to manage
like; Closeouts, New
way TCDesigner names
their learning when it is
Releases, Best Sellers.
properties, methods,
convenient for them.
Personalized pages for;
namespaces. Compare our
Flexible licenses, source
Bargain List (customers can
features, the quality of
code available, no user seat
select products and be
generated code, and
fees, instant online demo
automatically notified when
performance. Because
(try as Instructor and/or
they go on sale), Wish List
TCDesigner is an active
(customers can add their
generator, you can go back
favorite products to a list
and forth between TCDesigner
so they can return to the
and your favorite editor.
store and easily buy) and
TCDesigner remembers your
Reorder List (for
project settings. 100%
consumables and other items
stored procedures no in-line
your customers are likely to
SQL. Code performs
reorder). * Customer
excellent. Generated code is
Service Pages - Allow your
readable and well commented.
customers to easily find out
Produce high-quality
all they need to know about
documentation straight from
your store and procedures.
the XML comments!
Handy templates can be
customized to provide your
store's specific
information. * Product
Info Fields - Tell your
customers everything they
could possibly want to know
about your products.
Standard Package,
Manufacturer, Dimensions,
Normal Shipping Info and
more. * Multiple
Product Images - Links to
large images and links to an
unlimited number of other
views of your products in
popup windows. * Cross
Sell to Increase Sales - Our
convenient Cross Sell links
tell you customers of other
products that may interest
them. * Email to a
Friend - Let's your
customers send friends links
to product pages or the
complete page! *
Personalized Customer Lists
- Let's customers create
their own product lists
(Wish List, Bargain List and
ReOrder List). Very handy
for developers 5 min
deployment. Easy for end
user to use update
products.(Browser based

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Sep, 30 2004
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