
popular collection of scripts for all

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Ad Management


Textads Exchange

Hits: 236

Trac Tracer

Hits: 669


Hits: 692

TradeMyTraffic! AdZones

Hits: 220
Allow web users to notice
Track hits by using different
TrackMyLink is a powerful
AdZones allow webmasters to
your website without
URL's for each ad
tool for tracking the
automatically sell
harrassing them with pop-ups
campaign You can assign a
effectiveness of your ad
advertising space directly
or banners. Give them some
unique name to each link you
campaigns. Tracks
from their website. Any
information that will lead
create, with a note to
impressions, clicks,
banner size may be sold, and
them to your products and
identify it in your
uniques, registrations,
advertisers have full
services. Filters include:
stats. Track
signups, sales, or leads for
control over their campaigns.
Languages, ads categories,
Anywhere Track hits from
all of your campaigns. You
... Full statistics and
any site you send traffic to
can view your stats by any
control panel. Publishers
(i.e. affiliate programs,
select date or range of
who host the textads start
safelists,)and / or label
dates. Detailed redirector
with 2000 credits.
them to know from where you
stats show you exactly how
sent them. Password
many registrations, leads,
Protected Admin area Shows
signups, or sales generated
all referring URLs, Track
from each of your traffic
total hits and total unique
sources, during any period
hits, All hits logged in an
of time.
easy to read graphical
format. Ability to edit all
links you have made. Exact
Time Formatting Track hits
and unique hits by month,
day, even down to the
hour! Complete
Statistics Shows ratio of
unique hits to total hits.
Graphically formatted to
give you a complete view of
every stat detail of your

Date: Mar, 11 2004

Date: Jul, 07 2004

Date: May, 20 2002

Date: May, 07 2003
vCampaigns helps companies
Maximize your profit with
WebsiteGoodies offers a free
manage all of their
WebAds free banner rotation
ad rotation service. You can
web-based 'link' advertising
service. This banner
serve unlimited banners on
campaigns by tracking
rotating service allows
your website, each with its
webmasters to track the
own login for statistics
conversions, and other
click-through rates of their
(plus an overview page for
valuable data such as ROI
advertisements, allowing the
the administrator) and
(return on investment).
unprofitable banners to be
weight settings.
vCampaigns provides you with
weeded out. Many more
an area to manage all of the
advanced advertisement
campaigns as well as to see
management and reporting
which campaigns are
features are included. Also
generating the most money or
available is the WebAds
the most traffic to your
Premium Package, which
website - providing you with
offers additional amenities
the right information to
to paying customers.
make better decisions. Is
it right for you?
vCampaigns is for
businesses that advertise
online by purchasing
links/space on other
websites, while we are
making progress on tracking
for pay-per-click and other
kinds of advertising, it
currently only manages
regular link/banner
advertising. Some of the
features include: 100% Web
Based (Remotely Hosted), No
installation hassles, Saves
your resources, and best of
all its Absolutely FREE!!!
The best way to get a
better understanding of what
vCampaigns can do for you is
to try it out. Sign up for a
free account today!

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Jul, 18 1999

Date: Jul, 09 2003
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