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Ad Management


CGI4ALL: Banner-Rotation

Hits: 212

CGISpy.com Random Banner

Hits: 1264

Clickbank adwords

Hits: 683
Banner-Rotation allows you to
Rotate advertisements on your
Clickbank Adwords is a new
CoregMedia is a highly
display one of your own 10
site seamlessly and easily
program that serves
evolved end-to-end
possible banners in any size
with the CGISpy.com Random
clickbank® based affiliate
co-registration and lead
you like on your homepage.
Banner service.
products in your website .
generation network for
Our service customizes the
online publishers and
whole of Clickbank® products
advertisers. Our network has
with your nickname, and
generated millions of leads
converts it to a simple html
for businesses who enjoy the
code that can be pasted on
benefits of our turn-key
your website. These
platform and
clickbank® based ads
resembles google® adsense®
data quality standards.
ads. Hundreds of web
Our client list
masters, affiliates and
includes Fortune 500
opportunity seekers are
companies like Proctor
& Gamble, Verizon
Communications, Citigroup,
ads over google® adsense®.
Wal-Mart Stores, and EBay as
Google® adsense® is known by
well as hundreds of other
many and highly popular
small and medium size
especially to webmasters and
businesses. CoregMedia is
publishers. Unlike
produced, owned and operated
google® adsense® program
by Trancos, Inc.
that pays per click, our
program pays you per every
sale you make in over 11,000
clickbank® products. Some
webmasters who have tried to
run our clickbank® based ads
together with google®
adsense® ads reports that
clickbank based ads pays
many times more that
adsense® from google®.

Date: Jul, 19 1999

Date: Oct, 23 2000

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1
Disco provides web publishers
EasyAdvertise.com is a text
Podcaster Ads is an advanced
Nabaza Freebies - offers
and advertisers easy,
ad serving network and
flat-rate advertising
unlimited freebies right in
affordable and powerful
marketplace. Webmasters
solution for Webmasters.
the comfort of your desktop.
Flash banner administration,
simply sign up and can serve
Simply include a javascript
serving, tracking and
custom text ads on their
snippet on your site and
reporting services. Some
site monetizing from all
you're on your way to
features: Flash ads are
their hard work.
earning flat-rate
enabled with one line HTML
Advertisers can easily and
advertising income from your
code; 14 different formats
automatically purchase CPM
websites, blogs, podcasts,
are supported; up to 10 ads
based advertising from
and vidcasts. Your text ads
per account; banner priority
EasyAdvertise sites in just
are fully customizable and
option (weight); banner
minutes. All payments are
signup is free.
made via PayPal and
date/views/clicks; detailed
webmasters are paid out on a
daily and monthly
monthly basis.
statistics; advertiser
access. Free trial.

Date: May, 21 2002

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Aug, 19 2006

Date: Apr, 07 2005
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