Podcaster Ads is an advanced
AdsManagement.com is a
AdvertSERVE is a
AdExpress technology is
flat-rate advertising
service designed for
remote-hosted instance of
efficiently designed to
solution for Webmasters.
webmasters who wish to
our ad management program,
provide services to
Simply include a javascript
simplify and manage
advertisers, publishers and
snippet on your site and
advertisements on their
(www.advertpro.com). This
agencies of all sizes.
you're on your way to
sites. Includes the
service is designed for
AdXpress will become an
earning flat-rate
management of image banners
clients who want to use
integral part of your
advertising income from your
as well as media banners
AdvertPRO, but who's server
information technology
websites, blogs, podcasts,
like the banners from the
will not run it locally, or
infrastructure and your
and vidcasts. Your text ads
advertising networks.
for those who wish to
daily preferred tool of your
are fully customizable and
off-load the demands of ad
marketing team. AdXpress, in
signup is free.
serving from their site
addition to ad delivery and
server. The AdvertSERVE
reporting, will gladly
service can really save you
supply all participating
a lot of money if you use,
sites (publishers, networks,
or are considering using,
agency’s) with their own
other ad serving services
login account and reporting.
which charge you monthly
fees or percentages of your
ad revenue.
Date: Aug, 19 2006 Date: Dec, 17 2001 Date: Aug, 30 2000 Date: Jun, 10 2002 |
TrackMyLink is a powerful
Banner4All offers a free ad
OrbitCycle is a free of
TAGword.com is a
tool for tracking the
management service that
charge, remotely hosted,
revolutionary text-based
effectiveness of your ad
supports both GIF and HTML
statistical tracking, banner
advertising system that has
campaigns. Tracks
banners. The Administration
rotation engine. It
you making money from your
impressions, clicks,
module provides you with
features: Real Time Detailed
website directly from your
uniques, registrations,
detailed statistics for
Statistics, Unlimited Banner
TAGword uses
signups, sales, or leads for
campaigns and banners. The
Resolutions, Banner Set
industry standard ad sizes
all of your campaigns. You
system can be used as a
Options, Banner Priorities,
to display ads and has 9 ad
can view your stats by any
stand alone banner rotation
Rich Media" Banner
sizes and three categories
select date or range of
system or used as a third
support and more. The
to choose from. You set the
dates. Detailed redirector
party solution to keep track
service requires 10% of the
prices, you set the colors,
stats show you exactly how
of your sponsors, banner
banner impressions run
you control every aspect of
many registrations, leads,
exchange agreements etc.
through your account to be
the way your ads are
signups, or sales generated
usable by OrbitCycle.
displayed. Signup is free
from each of your traffic
and fee's are nominal, and
sources, during any period
if your site qualifies, you
of time.
can get a commission-free
Date: May, 20 2002 Date: Jan, 31 2001 Date: Jul, 18 1999 Date: Aug, 22 2003 |