Learn the fundamentals of
This is a short introductory
This tutorial provides some
All the tutorials on Afmanuk
session variables, and some
tutorial on PHP by the
technical background on a
will help you on your way to
popular uses for them.
official PHP Web site.
LAMP server, database design
being a powerful webmaster.
Also, touches upon random
Explains what it is, what it
and normalization of a
Taking you through many
password generation.
looks like, what it can be
database, and an
aspects of PHP throughly to
used for. Also includes
approach to developing admin
assure that you too can soon
external links to other
screens for a fictional game
be a very powerful PHP user.
useful PHP-related sites.
site, as a learn-by-example
the issues a
developer should consider
when designing and coding a
php/MySQL database driven
Date: Jan, 29 2005 Date: Dec, 14 1999 Date: Aug, 05 2003 Date: Dec, 08 2006 |
Learn how to make loops using
Helps you create your very
As in many languages, there
A beginning programmer's
while(), in this tutorial it
first fully working php
are 150 different ways to do
tutorial on what must happen
include a sample showing you
script. using basic php
just about everything, the
and the order in which it
how to make it print the
parsing and the print
same rule applies for a
must happen. An example from
numbers 1 - 10 on seperate
simple connection and output
real life. (Programming
lines! its a good starting
of data in a mySQL database
language independent).
point for any beginner.
using PHP. This tutorial
will give you only one way
of accomplishing this, and
while it works, it is
definitely not the only way.
Date: Apr, 22 2004 Date: Nov, 24 2005 Date: Feb, 11 2006 Date: Feb, 27 2003 |