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Introduction to PHP


Creating Your First Script

Hits: 1154

An easy introduction to PHP

Hits: 750

Basics of PHP

Hits: 612
Intended for absolute
An easy tutorial to learn the
Ok, this will give you some
This tutorial shows you how
beginners who are interested
fundamental basics of PHP.
very basics of what php is,
to use two open source,
in getting started with PHP
The tutorial starts with a
and how it works. Ill try to
cross-platform tools for
this tutorial will take you
little history about PHP and
make it as
creating a dynamic Web site:
through the basic steps to
how to install your home
new-to-programming freindly,
PHP and MySQL. When we are
creating your first ever PHP
server. After that it
but it will help if your at
finished, you will know how
quickly moves on to PHP
least good with
dynamic sites work and how
syntax, variables, loops,
understanding syntax of
they serve the content, and
if-statement, arrays and
coding languages. Also, I
you will be ready to serve
much more. It contains many
wont go directly into how to
your own dynamic content
examples to give aid during
install PHP onto your
from your site.
server, or local computer,
but here is a few helpful
links: Auto installer

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: May, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
In order to accomplish almost
If you are new to PHP, this
Learn PHP array() and how
This introductory guide on
any programming task with
is for you. Here you will
easy it is to store and
PHP explains the definition,
PHP you'll be dealing with
learn how to create and run
organize complex data
basic structure and date
strings. To get the best out
a PHP web page for the first
structures. This is one of
function of PHP language.
of PHP you must thoroughly
the thing you must know in
understand the basic string
order to create dynamic web
functions available. In this
sites and on-line
tutorial we will lay down
the foundations needed for a
solid understanding of
strings. 36 pages of
examples and discussions
about strings.

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
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