This is a nice introductory
PHP is the hottest scripting
It's time to face it:
Trying to decide which
tutorial on PHP. It explains
language around - and with
databases are everywhere.
server-side script is best
what it is, how it works,
the release of PHP4, more
Feeling left behind? This
for you? Get the scoop on
and covers some basic
and more developers are
ten part series of articles
PHP from the master herself,
elements like Variables,
looking at it as a rapid Web
will teach you everything
Julie Meloni in this special
Control-structures, and
development tool. This new
you'll need to build a
hands-on tutorial. It covers
series of tutorials is aimed
database-driven Web site
a brief introduction to PHP,
at getting novice
from the ground up. Main
system requirement, and a
programmers up to speed on
topics include:
couple of example codes.
the language, and the first
Installation, Getting
article covers variables,
Started with MySQL, Getting
operators and the include()
Started with PHP, Using PHP
function call. Exploding
to access a MySQL database,
chewing-gum is optional.
Relational Database Design,
A Content Management System,
Content Formatting and
Submission, MySQL
Administration, Advanced
SQL, and Advanced PHP.
Date: Aug, 07 2000 Date: Aug, 02 2000 Date: Jul, 31 2000 Date: Jun, 30 2000 |
This is a comprehensive
This article will show you
PHP is a freely available,
The quickest way to learn PHP
article / tutorial on
the basics of a PHP program
HTML-embedded scripting
is to start using it and see
programming in PHP. It
with several simple
language that lets you embed
what happens. This tutorial
covers a variety of key
examples. It starts with
special tags to create your
starts by diving right into
topics including PHP
HTML output and
script right in an HTML
the good old "Hello
Structure, Scalar Variables
progressively builds up to
file. PHP can be integrated
World" script you may
and Data, Data collection:
variables, control
into the Web server itself,
have seen when learning
Arrays, Operations and
structures, and looping.
eliminating the need to
other languages. Then, it
Comparisons, PHP Comparison
start up a separate CGI
presents another example
Operators, PHP Logical
program to generate the Web
that writes a Tip of the Day
Operators, Control
page, which can lead to
on your Web page using file
Statements, The Function of
dramatic performance
and random functions.
Functions, and Object
increases on some systems.
This article describes how
PHP came into existence,
introduces some PHP basics,
then shares some useful,
instructive scripts to get
you started.
Date: Jun, 07 2000 Date: Feb, 24 2000 Date: Feb, 22 2000 Date: Feb, 16 2000 |