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Introduction to PHP


Starting out with PHP

Hits: 370

TechiWarehouse PHP Tutorial

Hits: 174

Textarea Editor

Hits: 869

Understanding PHP

Hits: 567
So, you've mastered HTML and
It covers all the basic in
Editing files online with a
PHP, the PHP Hypertext
JavaScript. I guess the next
neat and clean manner. Its
Processor, is an open source
stage is PHP! Don't worry.
recommended for beginner and
server-side scripting
It isn't too hard. This
those that have just passed
language for Web servers,
tutorial is great for
the beginners mark. Also
which provides a real
learning PHP right from the
good for those who want to
alternative to ASP,
beginning teaching you all
brush up on the basics. Its
ColdFusion, Mod_Perl or JSP
the basics to help you
intent was to make PHP
if your aim is to provide
advance quickly on to more
welcoming for the beginners
dynamic Web pages. Dynamic
advanced concepts.
and not to make the whole
Web pages are pages which
intro sound too technical...
interact with the user, so
that each user visiting the
page sees customized
information - which may vary
each time and which may be
based on a form they've just
filled in, or on information
extracted from a database or
some other external source.
Typical applications include
e-commerce, online
newspapers, visitors' books,
ticketing systems, project
management, and other
groupware projects. The
traditional way to produce
this type of dynamic page is
via CGI scripts, but these
are separate programs which
must be executed as a new
process for each page hit,
so they scale badly and
rapidly become memory and
processor hogs as server
load increases...

Date: Nov, 29 2006

Date: Aug, 30 2004

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: May, 03 2004
Basic 'Users Online' tutorial
Variables are a vital part of
I ran into a lot of problems
This is a comprehensive
for forums or communities.
the server-side language,
when i was first learning
article / tutorial on
PHP. They are unavoidable
PHP. It seemed that every
programming in PHP. It
but very simple to learn. In
book told you how to do
covers a variety of key
this short tutorial, I hope
this, but never how to
topics including PHP
to give you a basic insight
utilize what you just
Structure, Scalar Variables
into using them.
learned. So, I will try and
and Data, Data collection:
make it a little more
Arrays, Operations and
Comparisons, PHP Comparison
Operators, PHP Logical
Operators, Control
Statements, The Function of
Functions, and Object

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: Jan, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jun, 07 2000
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