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Introduction to PHP


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Hits: 493

Classes and OOP in PHP

Hits: 712

Common PHP Codes

Hits: 360

Conditional Statements in PHP

Hits: 1429
Various PHP tutorials,that
This tutorial is a starting
learn some of the very common
Sometimes when you write
are written to be simple to
point to Object orientated
php codes that almost every
code, you want to perform
understand.A great source
programming (OOP) which is a
php enabled site uses, and
different actions for
for other topics
commonly used term when
now you can be one too!
different decisions. You can
discussing modern
use conditional statements
programming techniques. One
in your code to do this. In
of the things that makes
this tutorial we will look
humans stand out is the
at two structures: if...else
ability to categorise - we
and switch statements.
put objects into categories
of similar type of function.

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 31 2006

Date: Jun, 08 2006

Date: Sep, 22 2006
This is an introductory
This tutorial shows you how
Intended for absolute
PHP is a freely available,
tutorial for beginners that
to use two open source,
beginners who are interested
HTML-embedded scripting
tells how to connect to
cross-platform tools for
in getting started with PHP
language that lets you embed
MySQL database.
creating a dynamic Web site:
this tutorial will take you
special tags to create your
PHP and MySQL. When we are
through the basic steps to
script right in an HTML
finished, you will know how
creating your first ever PHP
file. PHP can be integrated
dynamic sites work and how
into the Web server itself,
they serve the content, and
eliminating the need to
you will be ready to serve
start up a separate CGI
your own dynamic content
program to generate the Web
from your site.
page, which can lead to
dramatic performance
increases on some systems.
This article describes how
PHP came into existence,
introduces some PHP basics,
then shares some useful,
instructive scripts to get
you started.

Date: Mar, 12 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Feb, 22 2000
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