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Introduction to PHP


A Brief Introduction to PHP

Hits: 224

Advanced PHP Tutorial

Hits: 339

An easy introduction to PHP

Hits: 751
Explains what is PHP, and how
In this tutorial we will be
In this tutorial you will
An easy tutorial to learn the
it works with examples using
discussing how if-statements
learn: * How to use loops
fundamental basics of PHP.
a dynamic NetSafe Color
and loops work, the types of
in PHP * How to use
The tutorial starts with a
chart and an Access database
loops we will be discussing
forms * Using arrays *
little history about PHP and
connection using ODBC. Also,
are while, do while and for.
Using sessions
how to install your home
includes links to other
Also we will show you an
server. After that it
PHP-related sites.
example of how you can
quickly moves on to PHP
implent this in your
syntax, variables, loops,
beginning site to make it
if-statement, arrays and
more dynamic.
much more. It contains many
examples to give aid during

Date: Sep, 19 1999

Date: Aug, 08 2004

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005
In this tutorial you will be
Trying to decide which
This tutorial will take you
This article introduces you
tought how to create your
server-side script is best
through both the IF and the
to php includes. Lets say
first PHP script using the
for you? Get the scoop on
IF-Else statement by
you have a Web site with 10
famous hello world
PHP from the master herself,
comparing numbers, although
or so pages, and you want to
example. If you are new
Julie Meloni in this special
relativly simple you can
update the navigation. You
to PHP programming, then
hands-on tutorial. It covers
expand on them so that you
don’t want the hassle of
check this out for your
a brief introduction to PHP,
can run checks on various
updating every single page.
first simple lesson.
system requirement, and a
things, such as passwords.
That’s where php includes
couple of example codes.
come in handy.

Date: Aug, 08 2004

Date: Jun, 30 2000

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Feb, 03 2006
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