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Introduction to PHP


Introductory Tutorial

Hits: 1551

Introduction to PHP

Hits: 477

PHP3 Introduction

Hits: 483

A Brief Introduction to PHP

Hits: 224
This is a short introductory
This introductory Web
This excellent five-page
Explains what is PHP, and how
tutorial on PHP by the
tutorial covers: The detail
tutorial introduces you to
it works with examples using
official PHP Web site.
definition of PHP, The basic
the world of PHP3
a dynamic NetSafe Color
Explains what it is, what it
PHP Syntax, Creating a
programming and Web database
chart and an Access database
looks like, what it can be
simple and a multipage forms
interfacing with MySQL. Main
connection using ODBC. Also,
used for. Also includes
in PHP, How to use cookies
topics include: The
includes links to other
external links to other
with PHP, Date and time
definition of PHP, How to
PHP-related sites.
useful PHP-related sites.
functions, and more.
use HTML forms and variables
with PHP, MySQL database
interfacing, Outputting data
from MySQL, and more.

Date: Dec, 14 1999

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Sep, 19 1999
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