
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Introduction to PHP


Variables in URLs

Hits: 144

PHPNewbie Beginners Tutorial

Hits: 134

Echo Function Basics

Hits: 124
It's time to face it:
I ran into a lot of problems
For the basic beginner who
New To PHP? This tutorial
databases are everywhere.
when i was first learning
has no idea what to do or
will teach you the basics of
Feeling left behind? This
PHP. It seemed that every
where to start with PHP. If
the famous echo function,
ten part series of articles
book told you how to do
you follow these steps, you
come and learn how to use it.
will teach you everything
this, but never how to
will be able to create a PHP
you'll need to build a
utilize what you just
database-driven Web site
learned. So, I will try and
from the ground up. Main
make it a little more
topics include:
Installation, Getting
Started with MySQL, Getting
Started with PHP, Using PHP
to access a MySQL database,
Relational Database Design,
A Content Management System,
Content Formatting and
Submission, MySQL
Administration, Advanced
SQL, and Advanced PHP.

Date: Jul, 31 2000

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Oct, 19 2000

Date: Apr, 02 2003
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