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Introduction to PHP


PHP101: Basic PHP

Hits: 588

PHP Arrays

Hits: 579

Understanding PHP

Hits: 567

Playing with Numbers in PHP

Hits: 556
This tutorial will teach you
A tutorial dedicated to PHP
PHP, the PHP Hypertext
This is a very simple
the basics of the PHP
arrays and how to use them
Processor, is an open source
tutorial that outlines the
language -- looping,
as queues, lists, sorters,
server-side scripting
four main mathematical
variables, forms, etc. It
etc. It uses easy to follow,
language for Web servers,
functions and how to use
does not venture into
executable examples to help
which provides a real
them. Clearly written with
functions, arrays, objects,
you learn these intermediate
alternative to ASP,
the ability to ask questions
or database/file
array techniques.
ColdFusion, Mod_Perl or JSP
if your aim is to provide
dynamic Web pages. Dynamic
Web pages are pages which
interact with the user, so
that each user visiting the
page sees customized
information - which may vary
each time and which may be
based on a form they've just
filled in, or on information
extracted from a database or
some other external source.
Typical applications include
e-commerce, online
newspapers, visitors' books,
ticketing systems, project
management, and other
groupware projects. The
traditional way to produce
this type of dynamic page is
via CGI scripts, but these
are separate programs which
must be executed as a new
process for each page hit,
so they scale badly and
rapidly become memory and
processor hogs as server
load increases...

Date: Mar, 23 2005

Date: Dec, 28 2004

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Feb, 01 2006
Explain how to manipulate
Basic introduction to the
Helps you create your very
This introductory guide on
string in php, introducing
mail() function and testing
first fully working php
PHP explains the definition,
the use of control
if email was sent.
script. using basic php
basic structure and date
structures, functions and
parsing and the print
function of PHP language.
working with web forms

Date: Sep, 30 2004

Date: Feb, 05 2006

Date: Nov, 24 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
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