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Introduction to PHP


Introduction to PHP

Hits: 465

Beginners guide to php

Hits: 458

Mysql & Php: A Beginners Look

Hits: 456
This introductory Web
This elementary tutorial
Want to learn php, we have
As in many languages, there
tutorial covers: The detail
describes how to search an
set up a simple to follow
are 150 different ways to do
definition of PHP, The basic
array to see if a specific
quick guide to send you on
just about everything, the
PHP Syntax, Creating a
item lies in it. In the
your way. We cover all the
same rule applies for a
simple and a multipage forms
tutorial, we create an array
very basics of php also find
simple connection and output
in PHP, How to use cookies
of strings such as
our other tutorials covering
of data in a mySQL database
with PHP, Date and time
"Apple" and
an even wider range of php
using PHP. This tutorial
functions, and more.
"Orange" then show
will give you only one way
you how to use PHP to find
of accomplishing this, and
out that "Apple"
while it works, it is
is in the array but
definitely not the only way.
"Monkey" is not.
This can be useful in PHP
programs if you have a
collection of items (perhaps
that a user has entered) and
you want to know if a
certain item is in that

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Feb, 11 2006
Echo is one of the basic
This is an introductory
This tutorial provides some
A PHP tutorial that covers
functions in PHP, you should
article on PHP programming.
technical background on a
all the basics of PHP. It is
get acquainted with it if
Some of main topics covered
LAMP server, database design
geared towards web
you want to learn PHP.
include: Variables, Strings,
and normalization of a
developers with little or no
Arrays, Comparison
MySQL database, and an
PHP experience.
Operators, and Control
approach to developing admin
screens for a fictional game
site, as a learn-by-example
illustrating the issues a
developer should consider
when designing and coding a
php/MySQL database driven

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 06 2000

Date: Aug, 05 2003

Date: Jan, 04 2006
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