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Form Processing


Email validation in PHP

Hits: 1113
This tutorial teaches you how
Form validation the process
A collection of 21 tips on
Learn how to create an
to validate an email with
that occurs after the user
process Web forms with PHP
expandable Form Validation
PHP and regular expressions.
clicks the submit button and
scripts. Clear explanations
Class using PHP's object
before the form data
and tutorial exercises are
oriented features that once
processed by a PHP, JAVA or
provided on generating and
complete, can be easily
CGI program. In this
processing Web forms,
customized and expanded to
tutorial, you'll learn how
getting values out of
suit your needs in the
to intercept the submission
$_REQUEST, processing
future with no changes to
and pass the form data
multiple choices, removing
the base code. The Class
through one validation
slashes, adding multiple
will able to validate
tests. At the end of this
submit buttons, adding
everything from Email
tutorial, youŽll have a
hidden values, processing
Address, Passwords, User
complete form validation
original query string: How
Names, Domain Names, Credit
framework in php wich can be
To Retrieve the Submitted
Cards, Numbers, Strings,
seemless integerate in
Form Data? How To List All
HTML, Etc. Very detailed
existing web applications.
Values of Submitted
with extensive code segments
Fields? How To Retrieve
to guide you every step of
Input Values for Checkboxes
the way.
Properly? How To Remove
Slashes on Submitted Input
Values? How To Support
Multiple Submit
Buttons? How To Support
Hidden Form Fields? How To
Retrieve the Original Query
String? How To Protect
Special Characters in Query
String? ...

Date: Jun, 23 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jun, 02 2006

Date: May, 22 2006
In Part 1 of this tutorial
Learn how to create an HTML
How to check, uncheck,
How to select, display and
series, we created the core
form and how to program a
display and have fun with
have fun with HTML select
of our Class. In Part 2
simple PHP page to process
HTML checkbox objects using
list objects using PHP and
here, we learn how to expand
the information of that HTML
PHP and Super Globals.
Super Globals.
on our Class to allow form
form. A basic knowledge of
fields to be validated as
HTML will make this tutorial
well as returning and
generating the many error
messages when validating.

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Jan, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 10 2006
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