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Form Processing


Quick look at forms

Hits: 602
Another very good, and very
This shows a basic way to use
This shows a basic way to use
Many beginners want to create
easy way to use PHP to do
forms with php. Also
forms with php. Also
their own forms to let their
something that is more
includes a required field
includes a required field
users input and submit data
complicated in other
demo -- This version
to them. Here we teach you
languages is form processing
includes code to REFILL the
how you can create these
and sending e-mail. PHP
forms, and use PHP to
makes it easy for even the
enhance their capability.
most neolithic of us. This
Radio buttons, checkboxes,
two-page tutorial shows you
and regular text boxes are a
few of the items covered.

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Aug, 27 2004
This is a basic, and very
Learn how to send very simple
Ever wondered how you can use
This tutorial covers various
easy to
e-mails in PHP and how to
a form to log someone in, or
aspects of form processing,
understand, tutorial on how
format some user input
get information from the
including basic form
to make one file to do it
user and drop it into a
elements, getting the data,
all-- Shows the contact
database? This is a good
and using form arrays.
form, then upon
example of how to get all of
submit, will automaticly
the info from those elusive
update the page with a
cells. It also shows you how
message, while PHP sends
to make sure that they don't
out the email.
leave a field blank.

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Feb, 18 2004

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 05 2003
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