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Form Processing


PHP With HTML Forms

Hits: 524

Passing Variables with Forms

Hits: 340
This 2-page tutorial shows
This article describes how to
This short tutorial will show
Checkboxes in web forms are
how to work HTML forms in
create a generic form
you how to pass a variable
useful because they allow
PHP. Topics covered: Drop
processor in PHP. Discussion
through 2 pages. It can be
the person filling out the
menu builder, Radio buttons,
involves form elements,
used, for instance, to
form to choose from a wide
Check boxes, Error
hidden fields, and more.
verify information from a
range of possible choices.
processing, and more.
Also covers the installation
form submission.
Specifically, it allows the
process of NuSphere MySQL,
user to choose some, all or
an integrated multi-platform
none of the elements.
distribution of Apache,
Although checkboxes are
Perl, PHP, and MySQL.
excellent form elements for
certain tasks, there is
often confusion about how to
store checkbox data
correctly. This article will
demonstrate how to store
checkbox data in a database,
in a manner that follows
good database design

Date: Jan, 31 2001

Date: Jan, 31 2001

Date: Dec, 01 2000

Date: Oct, 25 2000
PHP has built in
This is a tutorial on how to
This tutorial teaches you how
If you are migrating from
functionality for dealing
write your own Feedback
to process a simple feedback
using CGI scripts, this
with HTML forms. This
script in PHP, complete with
form. It records the date
guide can help you get set
tutorial shows you how to
source code.
and time that the user
up on a PHP3 server.
tap into these powerful
logged into the system and
Provides several guides to
saves this information, in
choose from.
addition to the user's name
and email address, in
several cookies. Upon
subsequent logins, the code
checks whether the user is a
new or repeat user and
displays information

Date: Oct, 17 2000

Date: Jul, 31 2000

Date: Jun, 19 2000

Date: Apr, 03 2000
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