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Form Processing


Form Validation With PHP

Hits: 314

Using Forms With PHP

Hits: 300

Feedback Form with a Cookie

Hits: 283
This tutorial explains how to
In depth tutorial focusing on
This tutotial introduces how
This tutorial teaches you how
validate HTML form on server
the basics of processing a
to use forms with PHP.
to process a simple feedback
side using PHP plus client
contact form. Includes
Demonstrates how PHP passes
form. It records the date
side form validation using
necessary error checking and
information from a form.
and time that the user
Javascript to make your form
clear, simple explanations
Also explains security
logged into the system and
more user friendly
of all the code. Part 1 can
checking using environment
saves this information, in
also be found on the site
addition to the user's name
which features the creation
and email address, in
of the form itself in HTML
several cookies. Upon
subsequent logins, the code
checks whether the user is a
new or repeat user and
displays information

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Dec, 21 2005

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jun, 19 2000
Teaches you how to open a
How to check, uncheck,
This is a basic, and very
This article describes how to
directory and build a list
display and have fun with
easy to
create a generic form
of the files. Also teaches
HTML checkbox objects using
understand, tutorial on how
processor in PHP. Discussion
you how to show the number
PHP and Super Globals.
to make one file to do it
involves form elements,
of files in a directory.
all-- Shows the contact
hidden fields, and more.
form, then upon
Also covers the installation
submit, will automaticly
process of NuSphere MySQL,
update the page with a
an integrated multi-platform
message, while PHP sends
distribution of Apache,
out the email.
Perl, PHP, and MySQL.

Date: Aug, 26 2002

Date: Jan, 10 2006

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Jan, 31 2001
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