Use this simple tutorial to
Learn how to complete,
One of the most popular ways
In Part 1 of this tutorial
learn how to create contact
expand, and use the
to make a web site
series, we created the core
forms easily. All lines are
Expandable Validation Class
interactive is the use of
of our Class. In Part 2
commented and explained.
in the final Part of this 3
forms. With forms you can
here, we learn how to expand
This simple method uses
Part tutorial series.
have users register for
on our Class to allow form
Mail() Function.
different things, submit any
fields to be validated as
information you can imagine,
well as returning and
upload files, and all types
generating the many error
of other things. In this
messages when validating.
tutorial, we will go through
the basics of forms and how
to handle the data that
comes from those forms with
Date: Jun, 20 2005 Date: Jun, 30 2006 Date: Apr, 19 2005 Date: May, 22 2006 |
This article will touch on
Form validation the process
Learn how to create an HTML
Using PHP array functions to
two skills in the interface
that occurs after the user
form and how to program a
view all of your POST/GET
between PHP and HTML forms,
clicks the submit button and
simple PHP page to process
Variables make it easy for
specifically in working with
before the form data
the information of that HTML
retrieving data from online
hidden fields, and as a
processed by a PHP, JAVA or
form. A basic knowledge of
forms. It's also great for
bonus, in passing arrays in
CGI program. In this
HTML will make this tutorial
debugging your codes.
an HTML form.
tutorial, you'll learn how
to intercept the submission
and pass the form data
through one validation
tests. At the end of this
tutorial, youŽll have a
complete form validation
framework in php wich can be
seemless integerate in
existing web applications.
Date: Apr, 19 2005 Date: Jun, 11 2006 Date: May, 05 2006 Date: Apr, 18 2005 |