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Form Processing


Create a PHP Checkbox

Hits: 227

Create a PHP Select List

Hits: 1072

Creating a PHP form

Hits: 196


Hits: 401
How to check, uncheck,
How to select, display and
This tutorial teaches you the
This is an illustration of
display and have fun with
have fun with HTML select
basic structure of creating
how to send email through
HTML checkbox objects using
list objects using PHP and
PHP form processing. To many
PHP. I did not create a
PHP and Super Globals.
Super Globals.
this can be a challenging
function because I feel
task, so here is how it's
mail() is already a wrapper
done. Complete code
all by itself. I left the
first parameter empty
because I feel that the
"to row" is not
any more important than any
other row in the header

Date: Jan, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 07 2002

Date: Apr, 17 2005
This tutorial teaches you how
Learn how to create an
In Part 1 of this tutorial
Learn how to complete,
to validate an email with
expandable Form Validation
series, we created the core
expand, and use the
PHP and regular expressions.
Class using PHP's object
of our Class. In Part 2
Expandable Validation Class
oriented features that once
here, we learn how to expand
in the final Part of this 3
complete, can be easily
on our Class to allow form
Part tutorial series.
customized and expanded to
fields to be validated as
suit your needs in the
well as returning and
future with no changes to
generating the many error
the base code. The Class
messages when validating.
will able to validate
everything from Email
Address, Passwords, User
Names, Domain Names, Credit
Cards, Numbers, Strings,
HTML, Etc. Very detailed
with extensive code segments
to guide you every step of
the way.

Date: Jun, 23 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Jun, 30 2006
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