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Using built-in functions in ASP

Hits: 602

Towards Next Generation URLs.

Hits: 579

Query String Introduction

Hits: 1826
There are a lot of functions
Remote scripting is an
For many years we have heard
Explains the basics of using
in ASP. Some are for
extremely powerful feature
about the impending death of
a query string to send
typecasting, formatting,
available in both Netscape
URLs that are difficult to
information to different
math, date and string
Navigator and Internet
type, remember and preserve.
manipulation. One of the
Explorer. It allows us to
The use of URLs has actually
greatest thing I love about
use a combination of
improved little thus far,
vbscript, is they are easy
scripting languages to call
but changes are afoot in
to learn and use.
server side ASP code from
both development practices
the client using JavaScript.
and Web server technology
This article shows us how to
that should help advance
install remote scripting as
URLs to the next generation.
well as two examples of
using it to interact with
ASP scripts using
client-side JavaScript code.

Date: Nov, 17 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: May, 09 2003

Date: Aug, 05 2002
Never worry about your
A nice way to point out some
Basic idea and full source
ContentType command allows to
copyright being out of date
features on your website is
code to remote access
use an asp file as a source
by means of a tickertape.
contents of ASP Application
for plain text, html,
Not only can you show
object from a remote script.
images, pdf files.
messages this way, but the
Lets you read, write and
ticker can also contain
enumerate application
hyperlinks, so you can
dictionary from the remote
direct your visitors
script (WSH, remote ASP/IIS
directly to the right place.
server) or application.
This is an advanced version
of the first ticker.

Date: Jul, 16 2002

Date: May, 29 2002

Date: May, 14 2002

Date: Apr, 04 2002
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