
popular collection of scripts for all

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How to display your code

Hits: 300

Professional Windows DNA

Hits: 637

HTML code reduction

Hits: 630
Here is a solution to
This is a sample chapter from
The browser can do a great
This script will open all
displaying ASP code in an
Wrox Press book
many things, but it has a
HTML pages within the
ASP page without executing
'Professional Windows DNA.'
limit of 216 colors that can
specified directory, reduce
the code. Useful for
It prvides info on building
“safely” (without dithering
the file size of your html
displaying the code in an
web applications with VB,
or color washout) display.
pages, and the files will be
article about ASP.
Fortunately, there are many
saved back. You may password
ways that you can display
protect the script, and it
all the color combinations
will allow a faster
in the browser safe color
transmission of the page. A
palette. By placing the six
good script to learn how
possible values for color
those task are perform.
(00,33,66,99,CC,FF) in an
array and nesting three for
next statements with values
one through six a table with
all the color codes will
neatly be displayed in a

Date: Jan, 16 2001

Date: Nov, 05 2000

Date: Oct, 04 2000

Date: Jun, 21 2000
Global.asa is the "dark
No one likes to see 404 pages
This tutoral shows a simple
Here, you will find reference
file of ASP" and many
and it's even worse when you
method of turning HTML
material on Active Server
don't even know that it
find one on your own site.
reports into Excel reports,
Pages 3.0 Object model.
exits. The truth is that
This tutorila explains how
and for moving calculations
Browse through all the
Global.asa can be a powerful
to make the 404 page useful
from the server to the
methods, collections,
tool, but it's not as good
to the user and notify
client, using Excel
properties and events in ASP
at it should, and is often
yourself so you can fix them
functions. It allows the
Object Model (Six built-in
difficult to master. The
server to dynamically create
Objects including the new
following lesson give you a
Excel reports without taking
ASPError Object).
brief guide on Global.asa.
up any space on the server.
It also allows multiple
concurrent users to receive
these reports
simultaneously. Lastly, the
generated reports can be
complete with Excel
formulas, which allows
intensive calculations to be
moved to the client side.
This method only works with
Excel 97 or later.

Date: Jun, 17 2000

Date: Jun, 13 2000

Date: May, 28 2000

Date: Mar, 15 2000
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