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Dynamic Javascript Includes

Hits: 640
This basic tutorial will show
Dynamically include
Prevent unauthorized viewing
This tutorial explains how to
you how to include
javascript files in your
of website javascript and
put ASP tags inside of
information in a non-asp
page. Simply place all your
style sheet files. Simply
JavaScript blocks so
page information generated
javascripts in a sub
rename all your style and
developers can fit large
from an .asp page by using
directory and make one
javascript files to the .asp
amounts of data into one
javascript. A banner rotator
reference in your page to
extension. Then include the
form on a single page. It
script and a text hit
the cs_scripts.asp file. You
validate_view.asp file at
provides an overview of
counter are used as examples.
can then pass + or - with
the top of each file. Open
things that can be done with
file names to either include
the validate_view.asp file
dynamic JavaScript with ASP
or ignore a file in the sub
and change the top the
and data queries. Example
directory. By default all
constants to those required.
source code available for
are included.
Then finally call the
procedure name
with the current files
content type as the

Date: Feb, 27 2002

Date: Feb, 22 2002

Date: Feb, 22 2002

Date: Oct, 31 2001
This article looks at a
Would you like to provide
Reusability is one of the
The author writes "Have
couple of ways to get the
multi-language support on
simplest and the oldest
you ever wondered how long
code in the client-side and
your site? This article
concepts in programming. It
your visitor spends filling
server-side to communicate
discusses three different
is also the most
out a particular form? Such
each other: Using the
ways in which you could
underutilized concept. When
information is vital for
Javascript Array and Using
organize your site to
implemented correctly and
companies that conduct
ASP and XML.
support multiple languages.
purposefully, it can save
business on the
time and money, as well as
Internet." This article
create an inventory for
describes how to easily
valuable and reusable
determine how long your
software assets. This
users spend filling out
article discusses such
forms on your Web pages.
topics as what resuability
is, why it is important, its
usages, and more.

Date: Sep, 07 2001

Date: Aug, 09 2001

Date: Aug, 08 2001

Date: Jul, 17 2001
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