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Always Updated Copyright

Hits: 803
In this tutorial i will teach
Never worry about your
The browser can do a great
Basic idea and full source
you how to get the screen
copyright being out of date
many things, but it has a
code to remote access
size of a users monitor and
limit of 216 colors that can
contents of ASP Application
display it with a combo of
“safely” (without dithering
object from a remote script.
javascript and ASP. You
or color washout) display.
Lets you read, write and
can store the screen sizes
Fortunately, there are many
enumerate application
in an ASP variable, then use
ways that you can display
dictionary from the remote
it for your code or to
all the color combinations
script (WSH, remote ASP/IIS
simply record what size they
in the browser safe color
server) or application.
palette. By placing the six
possible values for color
(00,33,66,99,CC,FF) in an
array and nesting three for
next statements with values
one through six a table with
all the color codes will
neatly be displayed in a

Date: Jan, 03 2006

Date: Jul, 16 2002

Date: Oct, 04 2000

Date: May, 14 2002
No one likes to see 404 pages
This article looks at a
This tutorial explains how to
Dynamically include
and it's even worse when you
couple of ways to get the
put ASP tags inside of
javascript files in your
find one on your own site.
code in the client-side and
JavaScript blocks so
page. Simply place all your
This tutorila explains how
server-side to communicate
developers can fit large
javascripts in a sub
to make the 404 page useful
each other: Using the
amounts of data into one
directory and make one
to the user and notify
Javascript Array and Using
form on a single page. It
reference in your page to
yourself so you can fix them
ASP and XML.
provides an overview of
the cs_scripts.asp file. You
things that can be done with
can then pass + or - with
dynamic JavaScript with ASP
file names to either include
and data queries. Example
or ignore a file in the sub
source code available for
directory. By default all
are included.

Date: Jun, 13 2000

Date: Sep, 07 2001

Date: Oct, 31 2001

Date: Feb, 22 2002
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