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/** Search */




Hits: 281

How to display your code

Hits: 300
In this example source code
In this tutorial i will teach
Global.asa is the "dark
Here is a solution to
we will find links in a test
you how to get the screen
file of ASP" and many
displaying ASP code in an
using regular expression
size of a users monitor and
don't even know that it
ASP page without executing
syntax. You may use this
display it with a combo of
exits. The truth is that
the code. Useful for
pattern to find in a custom
javascript and ASP. You
Global.asa can be a powerful
displaying the code in an
can store the screen sizes
tool, but it's not as good
article about ASP.
in an ASP variable, then use
at it should, and is often
it for your code or to
difficult to master. The
simply record what size they
following lesson give you a
brief guide on Global.asa.

Date: Jan, 29 2004

Date: Jan, 03 2006

Date: Jun, 17 2000

Date: Jan, 16 2001
Sometimes, you might want to
There is a very cool way to
This script will open all
It would be important to
get the current page URL
download or grab a file
HTML pages within the
highlight certain keywords
that is shown in the browser
using ServerXMLHTTP class.
specified directory, reduce
in a message board for
URL window. For example if
Using this object you could
the file size of your html
example or while searching
you want to let your
access and download a remote
pages, and the files will be
for a keyword in ASP Search
visitors submit a blog post
file out side of your
saved back. You may password
Engine, We are then in need
to Digg you need to get that
protect the script, and it
of a function that would
same exact URL. There are
will allow a faster
highlight certain keywords
plenty of other reasons as
transmission of the page. A
within the text of the
well. In this tutorial we
good script to learn how
will show how you can do
those task are perform.

Date: Oct, 27 2006

Date: Aug, 09 2006

Date: Jun, 21 2000

Date: May, 27 2005
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