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News Publishing


News Manager

Hits: 1009

News Section

Hits: 181


Hits: 451
News Manager 1.0 has a simple
News Section is an asp
Add news, articles or
Most users can send their
easy to use Admin interface
application that will allow
comments dynamically to your
first newsletter or email
which allows you to post
you to list and manage your
site with NewsCMSLite a News
campaign in under fifteen
news articles which can go
corporate news online. A
Admin Content Management
minutes, and sending
live on your website without
live demo can be seen at
System. Simple to administer
subsequent campaigns takes
changing any code, you can
and even easier to integrate
mere seconds. Even if you
manage it using this simple
into your own site.
have no technical background
interface and even attach
whatsoever, E's Mailer makes
related documents and photos.
it simple to create email
marketing campaigns.
Includes: # A built-in
database with unlimited
lists and unlimited list
size # Easy to use database
filtering logic so you can
select only qualifying
people from your list #
Automatic bounce handling
and unsubscribe handling #
Built-in email delivery
server that frees you from
email limits placed by your
ISP # Unlimited email
message personalization is
easy: just drop in any field
from the database # Easy,
common-sense database
functions: import, export,
even edit your subscribers'
records # On-screen HTML
editor lets you build and
preview your HTML email
messages with no hassle #
Save, view and reuse an
unlimited number of email

Date: Sep, 21 2006

Date: May, 24 2002

Date: Feb, 03 2004

Date: Jul, 14 2006
Newsletter Open Source is an
This cool newsletter software
NewsRaider is a web based
A newsroom that supports any
ASP e-newsletter. It is easy
enables you to send
news delivery application.
number of news in any number
to setup and completely
thousands of emails on just
it allows others in your
of categories. A sample
customizable. The basic
one click. You can add
organization to submit news
WYSIWYG editor is provided
building blocks needed for
email addresses as much as
articles while still giving
to ease the data entry work.
online newsletters and
you want.
you the authority to publish
Plug & Play - easy to
magazines. Free under open
the article to the public or
install and configure.
source license agreement.
not. The admin pages also
License allows you to use,
come with the capability to
customize and integrate it
see in a single table all
into your own application.
the existing articles, and
gives you the necessary

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Aug, 15 2005

Date: May, 10 2001

Date: Jun, 11 2003
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