Create a system to display
The ASP News Management is a
NewsScript is a news
Global Tornado Site News
current news from a list of
News script basically which
publishing script. It
Sytem is an innovative
headlines. Uses the
can be used to post updates
features a full HTML editor,
program written in mainly
on your site. Can also be
easy to use interface, and
with asp and sql. the main
instead of a database as an
use as your online journal
different user levels to
purpose of this program is
information source. This
or just anything you plan to
allow employees to add news
to have a dynamic News
system uses ASP to read and
do with this script. The
articles to your site
System were you can edit the
write info into a text file
script uses a password
without making giving them a
skin and add, edit, and
and then format it into an
protected area to
password a security risk.
delete news articles
html display. Updating this
add/edit/delete news
Version 1.1 gives new
page is as easy as clicking
updates. Also allow for
possibilities with CSS use
Default page
� Online
the add your news button.
multiple users to post news
for design and overall look
Control Panel
� Online
updates. Easily integrate
plus much more, all packaged
Skin Editor
� Online
with ASP Login.
in a new even more
News Article Adder
Supports an RSS feed. System
streamlined, backwards
Online News Article
now support categories to
compatible easy to install
� Login
divide your postings up.
Screen for security
Preview page and archive page
Date: Jan, 17 2000 Date: Nov, 12 2005 Date: Aug, 28 2003 Date: Feb, 19 2006 |
QuickNews is a simple to use
Absolute News Manager is a
GNEWS 5 is a complete news
News Manager Lite makes it
and setup web server
complete tool for easily
& article publishment
easy for you to keep your
application for Microsoft
adding news, articles, press
and management software.
site's news up-to-date. You
IIS web servers that makes
releases and any other type
Supports multible
can manage all your news
it easy for a site
of content to your website
categories. Complete
items from an online
administrator to add and
or corporate Intranet. It
database-driven content
administration, and keep an
update a list of news
requires no Dll's to
management function. You can
archive of older news.
information on a web site
install, and works with both
download ADD-ONs and
Multiple users may come to
using only their web
MS Access and SQL Server
templetes. Clients can
your administration to add
browser. It is completely
databases (full script
write/read reviews and
or edit your news.
free to download and use
included). Also features:
commeents for each news.
Includes WYSIWYG text
making it perfect for your
Clean HTML codes. If you
editor, RSS feeds, and many
club, church, or other civic
editor, uses templates to
have some information about
optional views including
exactly match the look and
HTML, you can re-design
scrolling or ticker news,
feel of your site, and
pages. We have put this hot
categorized news lists,
support for unlimited
feature for webmaster. No
search capablilites, upload
publishers. Use one single
need to know ASP. You can
manager (so you can include
line of code to display your
test a dirve complete
images), and more.
latest headlines on all of
version on site or download
Unencrypted ASP source code,
your pages and affiliate
free evalution version.
support, FTP install (if
sites (Syndicate Your
desired), and full-version
of upgrades are all included.
Date: May, 10 2006 Date: May, 27 2006 Date: Mar, 12 2003 Date: Feb, 23 2006 |