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/** Search */

News Publishing



Hits: 209

Compulsive News Ultimate (CNU5)

Hits: 428

News / Article Script

Hits: 488


Hits: 153
GNEWS 5 is a complete news
CNU4 is an ASP news
Add and maintain articles and
J-OurnalASP is a free ASP
& article publishment
management software for your
news on your web site with
alternative to LiveJournal.
and management software.
website. Simple to setup and
this free news/article
Note that J-OurnalASP is
Supports multible
run, yet provides you with
manager. Uses an Access
still in beta.
categories. Complete
the flexibility and options
database. Main features:
database-driven content
you need to seamlessly
WYSIWYG editor, upload
management function. You can
integrate dynamic news into
images, show/hide news, etc.
download ADD-ONs and
your website. Features:
templetes. Clients can
built-in image uploader,
write/read reviews and
specify release and expiry
commeents for each news.
dates for articles, infinite
Clean HTML codes. If you
user-defined news
have some information about
categories, fully searchable
HTML, you can re-design
news, multi-level
pages. We have put this hot
administration rights, user
feature for webmaster. No
submissions, email a friend,
need to know ASP. You can
archiving options and
test a dirve complete
article statistics. Multiple
version on site or download
user-customisable display
free evalution version.
options which permit easy
incorporation of news into
your existing website design.

Date: Mar, 12 2003

Date: Feb, 05 2003

Date: Jan, 09 2003

Date: Dec, 10 2002
Change a few variables in the
Newsletter Open Source is an
Web based news/article
News Section is an asp
syndication files, change
ASP e-newsletter. It is easy
publishing system. Display
application that will allow
the appearance of the
to setup and completely
functions run through an
you to list and manage your
newsfeed display, upload the
customizable. The basic
XSLT engine, giving near
corporate news online. A
files, give users the
building blocks needed for
total control over the
live demo can be seen at
syndication files, or even
online newsletters and
output without needing to
just one line of code to
magazines. Free under open
alter any ASP code. Script
insert into their HTML - and
source license agreement.
supports multiple templates;
you are up and running - a
multiple users, each with
bona-fide news provider.
definable access rights;
multiple categories, using
nesting to sort them;
expandable comments on
display pages by using
dhtml; rich text/WYSIWYG
editor; headlines
syndication; backup/restore
to XML files.

Date: Oct, 29 2002

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Jul, 18 2002

Date: May, 24 2002
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