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/** Search */

News Publishing



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Bang Design Online Blogger

Hits: 150


Hits: 387
NewsScript is a news
An online diary.. Admin can
Dwc_Articles is an ASP
publishing script. It
tell his audience what he
application designed to add
features a full HTML editor,
has been upto the past week,
Featured, Recent and Popular
easy to use interface, and
the book logs ip numbers on
News through an easy to use
different user levels to
people who trys to hack the
administration area. Other
allow employees to add news
admin area, Admin can upload
features: Design Packages,
articles to your site
a picture each day, as
Add, Modify, Deactive
without making giving them a
todays picture.. It use ASP,
through HTML/Wysiwyg Editor,
password a security risk.
Access and Persits ASP
Upload, Categories, Multiple
Version 1.1 gives new
Users and more.
possibilities with CSS use
for design and overall look
plus much more, all packaged
in a new even more
streamlined, backwards
compatible easy to install

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Jun, 29 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003
A newsroom that supports any
The aim of the PSnews is to
This application lets your
ASP News Director is an
number of news in any number
make it as user friendly as
staff or independent writers
advanced script for managing
of categories. A sample
possible, with the end user
post news on your news
news. Some major features
WYSIWYG editor is provided
having to add only 2 lines
include: Individual User
to ease the data entry work.
of code to their existing
Logins; User Permissions;
Plug & Play - easy to
website. Add/Edit/Delete
Posting Categories; Update
install and configure.
Memebers and News, using
Checking; And much more.
License allows you to use,
Access or SQL database.
customize and integrate it
PSnews is stable and secure.
into your own application.

Date: Jun, 11 2003

Date: Apr, 19 2003

Date: Apr, 16 2003

Date: Apr, 14 2003
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