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News Publishing



Hits: 153

Kaos news

Hits: 315

Keyvan1 News system

Hits: 530

My ASP News Scroller

Hits: 452
J-OurnalASP is a free ASP
Web based news/article
A fully customizable news
My ASP News Scroller is an
alternative to LiveJournal.
publishing system. Display
system in farsi and english
easy and fast way to publish
Note that J-OurnalASP is
functions run through an
scrolling news headlines on
still in beta.
XSLT engine, giving near
your site.Support vertical
total control over the
and horizontal scrollsing.
output without needing to
Completely idiot proof, you
alter any ASP code. Script
should have no trouble
supports multiple templates;
installing and using it
multiple users, each with
within a matter of minutes.
definable access rights;
No Java or ActiveX controls
multiple categories, using
used. It will scroll on any
nesting to sort them;
browser. Now supports
expandable comments on
Vertical Scrolling!
display pages by using
dhtml; rich text/WYSIWYG
editor; headlines
syndication; backup/restore
to XML files.

Date: Dec, 10 2002

Date: Jul, 18 2002

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: May, 14 2006
The ASP News Management is a
Add and maintain articles and
The News Database By Smo
Create a system to display
News script basically which
news on your web site with
allows you to maintain a
current news from a list of
can be used to post updates
this free news/article
news database on your web
headlines. Uses the
on your site. Can also be
manager. Uses an Access
site. Post/edit/delete
use as your online journal
database. Main features:
articles with headline,
instead of a database as an
or just anything you plan to
WYSIWYG editor, upload
author, date and time, lead
information source. This
do with this script. It has
images, show/hide news, etc.
in, full article, related
system uses ASP to read and
the ability to let users add
link, and photos. Features:
write info into a text file
comments on a particular
a comment system, archive,
and then format it into an
news/journal entry you
search, print, e-mail
html display. Updating this
posted. You can delete
articles to friends,
page is as easy as clicking
news,preview,update from the
password protected article
the add your news button.
admin. Also admin can delete
poster page, password
comments posted by the user,
protected admin page,
Has few basic word filter
posting of articles to go
for undesirable words.
active at a future date, and
etc...Uses Session to login
customize the date format
as admin. Supports smileys
and icons. The application
and HTML.
will run inside a 'template
page' allowing the program
to fit seamlessly into any

Date: Jun, 08 2006

Date: Jan, 09 2003

Date: Sep, 08 2004

Date: Jan, 17 2000
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