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/** Search */

News Publishing


GkNscripts NewsManager

Hits: 443

GkNscripts NewsScroller

Hits: 820

GNEWS Publisher

Hits: 201

Gnews Publisher Advanced

Hits: 1277
Own a turn-key web site just
You can easily publish your
Built for ASP.NET and Active
Gnews is an online helper to
in a few minutes!
news with GkNscripts News
Server Page platform,
manage your content. New
Furthermore get it with the
Scroller. Supports Vertical
utilize high-technology for
version comes with some
feature of well-developed
automation, information
high-advanced features to
news portal that is special
centralization, and
publish news like RSS news
for your newspaper! It can
information sharing for your
feed, richtext content
be used for any kind of
site. Contact immadiately
authoring form,
websites from local to
your clients online.
multi-category management,
general news portals.
Provides you to manage a
user management, mailing
Dynamic image and title
dynamic web site. GNEWS
list, rss management system
showing gives news manager
allows you to manage your
... Gnews Publisher is very
an aesthetic view. Your
content within a full
economic way for publishing
authors can publish their
database-driven management
content in web. You do not
articles and your editors
system. You can divide your
need to pay for webmasters.
can add news with the help
content into categories:
You will get full-control
of editor and author
news to news category, press
over your site. Gnews can
systems. A well
releases to anothor category
grap RSS feeds and adds your
developed text adding module
as "Press Rleases"
database. You may use MS
assist you on doing any
category. You can use Gnews
Access and MS SQL versions.
changings easily only in a
in a news portal project to
Script can create search
few minutes. Moreover your
serve your clients 24 hours
engine friendly pages which
visitors can comment on news
/ 7 day. RSS grapper is a
can be crawled by google,
with a built-in system.
good way to take content
yahoo or other search
General Features; TOOLBAR,
from other networks. Script
engines easily.
Headline viewing on each
can create search engine
category, RSS Support, WAP
friendly pages and helpful
Module, Video news support,
for your online success.

Date: Jul, 06 2006

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Jan, 25 2006

Date: Apr, 23 2006
Global Tornado Site News
* New Version Release *
InstaNews is a fully
The Intranet News System was
Sytem is an innovative
iNP 2.5 has an improved
customizable news publishing
designed for an Intranet for
program written in mainly
text editor, additional
system featuring: Support
people in their various
with asp and sql. the main
options for showing your
for emoticons and html code,
departments to be able to
purpose of this program is
news on existing pages, and
multi user access and color
update the news on their web
to have a dynamic News
even more features than the
theme changer. Uses an
pages without e-mailing the
System were you can edit the
award winning v1.8. Visit to
Access Database.
news admin to do it for
skin and add, edit, and
try the demos. ---
them. The admin system
delete news articles
Using iNews Publisher, you
allows you to
online. Features: ·
can create HTML news
add/edit/delete users, add
Default page · Online
articles and templates,
their table to the Access
Control Panel · Online
custom security settings for
2000 database, and maintain
Skin Editor · Online
each of the other unlimited
security for user news
News Article Adder ·
number of administrators,
editing. It also will e-mail
Online News Article
upload images, etc. Some
forgotten passwords using
Editor/Remover · Login
of the other features
CDONTS or JMail, and the
Screen for security ·
include RSS feeds and
text is formatted with one
Preview page and archive page
reader, unlimited categories
.CSS file for easy
and articles, multiple level
customization. The user
categories for your articles
management system is a
(up to 2 sub-category
modified version of Asp
levels!) There are also many
Client Check. Edit the
visitor side viewing options
config files, and you're
for site owners to select
ready to create users who
from. (Scrolling,
can post news. Edit their
ticker/typing, side news,
news include file, and they
archives, categorized news
are off and running, leaving
lists...) Visitors can
you to do more fun things
search, view archives,
rather than update their
download articles to word or
department web page.
txt format, email their
friends to let them know
about an article, etc.
Rebrandable Asp source
code, support, free FTP
install, future upgrade
& guides are all

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Aug, 02 2006

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Oct, 31 2001
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