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News Publishing


Gnews Publisher Advanced

Hits: 1296

Expinion.net: News Manager Lite

Hits: 208

GT Site News System

Hits: 259

GNEWS Publisher

Hits: 201
Gnews is an online helper to
News Manager Lite makes it
Global Tornado Site News
Built for ASP.NET and Active
manage your content. New
easy for you to keep your
Sytem is an innovative
Server Page platform,
version comes with some
site's news up-to-date. You
program written in mainly
utilize high-technology for
high-advanced features to
can manage all your news
with asp and sql. the main
automation, information
publish news like RSS news
items from an online
purpose of this program is
centralization, and
feed, richtext content
administration, and keep an
to have a dynamic News
information sharing for your
authoring form,
archive of older news.
System were you can edit the
site. Contact immadiately
multi-category management,
Multiple users may come to
skin and add, edit, and
your clients online.
user management, mailing
your administration to add
delete news articles
Provides you to manage a
list, rss management system
or edit your news.
online. Features: ·
dynamic web site. GNEWS
... Gnews Publisher is very
Includes WYSIWYG text
Default page · Online
allows you to manage your
economic way for publishing
editor, RSS feeds, and many
Control Panel · Online
content within a full
content in web. You do not
optional views including
Skin Editor · Online
database-driven management
need to pay for webmasters.
scrolling or ticker news,
News Article Adder ·
system. You can divide your
You will get full-control
categorized news lists,
Online News Article
content into categories:
over your site. Gnews can
search capablilites, upload
Editor/Remover · Login
news to news category, press
grap RSS feeds and adds your
manager (so you can include
Screen for security ·
releases to anothor category
database. You may use MS
images), and more.
Preview page and archive page
as "Press Rleases"
Access and MS SQL versions.
Unencrypted ASP source code,
category. You can use Gnews
Script can create search
support, FTP install (if
in a news portal project to
engine friendly pages which
desired), and full-version
serve your clients 24 hours
can be crawled by google,
of upgrades are all included.
/ 7 day. RSS grapper is a
yahoo or other search
good way to take content
engines easily.
from other networks. Script
can create search engine
friendly pages and helpful
for your online success.

Date: Apr, 23 2006

Date: Feb, 23 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 25 2006
The ASP News Management is a
Axml ASPNews is a stand-alone
ASPScriptz News Manager is a
RSS ASP Component: Enable
News script basically which
News Website designed for
free script.It is easy to
your application to easily
can be used to post updates
news sites of any
install and
download, parse, and create
on your site. Can also be
kind(General, Politics,
administrate.Unlimited news
RSS feeds. Unified feed
use as your online journal
Sports, Music, Science, etc)
can be submitted.Admin can
parser for RSS 0.9x, RSS
or just anything you plan to
especially for Newspaper
add news news and update
1.0, and RSS 2.0.
do with this script. The
Sites, although it
already submitted news.
script uses a password
successfully fulfills the
protected area to
purpose of any site. Works
add/edit/delete news
with MSSQL or Access
updates. Also allow for
Database. AXML ASPNEWS lets
multiple users to post news
you publish your content on
updates. Easily integrate
the web effectively and
with ASP Login. Now
easily with only a couple
Supports an RSS feed. System
clicks. The administration
now support categories to
backend area is a secured
divide your postings up.
area with an easy-to-use
interface that will let you
manage all of your content
online.You can create
categories, subcategories,
write articles using an html
WYSIWYG editor or a text
editor, upload attachments
etc.AXML ASPNews has
features like add unlimited
article languages and
translations to
corresponding articles,
search articles with AXML
ASP Search, date format
style, related articles
feature, image description,
CSS and Includes based code
design, etc.The site is
language based, so you can
change the language easily.
activate and disactivate
editions and much more.

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005
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