
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Content Management


ASP Login script with ms-access

Hits: 847

Inventory Manager

Hits: 612
The world's best supported
This script features:
This web site add-in is a
A dynamic database driven
software, designed for YOU,
This useful ASP
flexible inventory system
inventory web site
the overworked webmaster!
application allows users to
for your online business.
application. It allows
With more features than any
self-register. Admin
For real estate brokerages
websites to manage and
other solution, Article
approves or deletes users.
or agents, for
publish their own inventory
Manager gives you absolutely
Admin has ability to suspend
listings such as (parts,
everything you need to
users temporarily. Different
dealerships, a libary or art
hardware, equipment, boats,
manage your very own article
access levels. Configurable
gallery, for card collectors
etc..) from any web browser.
driven website. *** Create
header, footer and skin
or music catalogs. The
New feature - thumbnail
thousands - or HUNDREDS of
files. Application sends
numerous features and
product listings.
thousands - of articles. ***
email to admin to alert of
options enable you to adapt
No Limitations. Make a
new registrations. Script
it for your business model
headlines file to include in
tracks number of logins by
and astounding flexibility
your other pages, create
users. Users have ability to
ensures that you can
extra RSS feeds, publish an
update their Profile. Script
customize it's appearance to
entire duplicate version of
includes authorized user
suit any web design and
your site for hand-held
page view. Script includes
extend its functionality
devices, display your
un-authorized user page
with your own custom
articles in text-only
view. Password recovery
scripts. With 20/20 DataShed
formats...it's up to you!
you can publish and maintain
*** Upload an unlimited
a virtual inventory on your
number of images or file
current or developing web
attachments to each of your
site using web forms and
articles. *** Looks exactly
database management tools.
like YOUR website. *** No
For international customers
limitations on data. Create
it can operate in multiple
hundreds of thousands of
languages simultaneously and
articles, tons of
is fully compatible with all
categories, and hundreds of
currencies and languages
users. *** Cross Browser
supported by Windows. MLS
WYSIWYG. *** Unlimited Free
integration, RSS feeds,
Support. Free Upgrades.
Google Earth integration,
Incomparable 90-day, no
document and photo uploads,
hassle, money back
email service, loan
guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE
calculators, virtual tours,
advanced search, agent
management tools, reports,
and Excel/xml/HTML data
export tools, online help.

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Sep, 16 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006
An easy to use ASP-based
ASP Spell Check is a
eLineStudio Site Composer
Absolute Content Rotator is a
content management news
SpellCheck component for
(ESC) is a browser-based
Content Management system
system. Mulitple login
Microsoft ASP web
database-driven content
designed to schedule and
levels, news expiration
applications. ASP Spell
management system (cms) that
rotate content on your site.
dates and many more
Check provides international
helps users to create,
Use it to display factoids,
features. Uses MS Access
spellchecking in 11
update, and publish web
quotes, sayings, thought of
database. Content management
languages - including
content. ESC features
the day,daily tips, featured
systems help increase
English, French, German,
including web document
items,pictures,banner ads
freshness of your sites
Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,
category, unlimited sitemap
and anything else you can
content by makeing it easy
Swedish, Danish and
level, multiple web
think of. You can even use
to update. Free license
Spanish. SpellCheck
templates, WYSIWYG HTML
it to control your full
under the GPL.
integrates seamlessly with
Editor, Asset Manager,
site. An application with
Forms on Websites, Content
check-in & check-out
many uses
management systems, Web-mail
applications, Rich Editors
immediate/scheduled content
publishing, multi-stage
Intranets. ASP
content approval process
SpellCheck works very much
(full version only),
like popular word-processing
multi-language (full version
spellcheckers. Advanced
only), public/restricted
Suggestion ranking algorithm
access to web content,
(based on Genome mapping
insert ASP scripts/HTML
technology). A new
content block, archiving,
JavaScript interface allows
versioning, etc. Full
you to use the spellchecker
ASP source code is provided
without ASP at all. ASP
at no extra cost!
SpellCheck has many unique
and advanced features
spellcheckers, including:
AutoCorrrect, Grammar
Checking, Profanity
Filtering & Personal
Dictionaries for each
User. Now Supports Flash
Actionscript, JavaScript,
ASP, ASP,Net and AJAX.

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 03 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: May, 27 2006
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