ASP Spell Check - Spell Checking For ASP, Ajax , Flash & ASP.Net,Hits: 1051
ASP Spell Check is a SpellCheck component for Microsoft ASP web applications.
ASP Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Spanish.
SpellCheck integrates seamlessly with Forms on Websites, Content management systems, Web-mail applications, Rich Editors (WYSIWYGs) & Intranets.
ASP SpellCheck works very much like popular word-processing spellcheckers.
Advanced Suggestion ranking algorithm (based on Genome mapping technology). A new JavaScript interface allows you to use the spellchecker without ASP at all.
ASP SpellCheck has many unique and advanced features spellcheckers, including: AutoCorrrect, Grammar Checking, Profanity Filtering & Personal Dictionaries for each User.
Now Supports Flash Actionscript, JavaScript, ASP, ASP,Net and AJAX.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Aug, 03 2006 Author:, {
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