This script features:
A free open-source content
SiteDynamic Instant website
Uses Microsoft Access
This useful ASP
management application
is a cost efficient, fast
database as storage for menu
application allows users to
released under the GPL
and easy pre-built website.
items and XSLT
self-register. Admin
Content Management
SiteDynamic generates real
transformation template to
approves or deletes users.
Software-Review is a
pages (database
generate JavaScript source
Admin has ability to suspend
complete software review
independent). Only the admin
code from your database.
users temporarily. Different
content management website.
area uses a database, thus
access levels. Configurable
Create your very own
making it completely
header, footer and skin
software review site in just
ressourceless. Search
files. Application sends
minutes. Log into the web
engines and spiders will
email to admin to alert of
based cms control panel to
crawl all your website pages
new registrations. Script
quickly add, edit, or update
for an optimal ranking.
tracks number of logins by
your content.
Highly skinnable and
users. Users have ability to
language file based, it is
update their Profile. Script
the ideal solution for
includes authorized user
Internet professionals and
page view. Script includes
private users looking for a
un-authorized user page
ready to run website.
view. Password recovery
Date: Oct, 26 2006 Date: Dec, 05 2006 Date: Nov, 11 2006 Date: Feb, 12 2005 |
ASP SpellCheck - The spell
CodeAvalanche Articles is asp
This version of menu
Acuity CMS is a highly
checking component for
application which allows
generation uses XML as
affordable, very easy to use
Microsoft ASP web
webmasters to easy publish
storage for menu items and
content management system
Allows your
articles on their website.
XSLT transformation template
that offers a rich set of
website users to use a
Application has a control
for generating JavaScript
features despite its low
word-processor grade
panel for adding and editing
source code out of data
price point. Advanced
spellchecker on your website
articles. Users can search
represented within your XML
WYSIWYG editing (using
articles and even see what
data file.
Acuity Visual Editor),
compliant & good
other users search for.
advanced code cleaning, menu
management, integrated
ASPSpellCheck even be used
search, and much more.
virtual/shared hosting. Now
Although targeted at small
100% compatable with IE,
to medium business, Acuity
FireFox (Mac and PC),
CMS can run very large and
Safari, Mac IE and many more.
interactive websites. A full
online demo is available as
well as very open licensing
plans for web site
Date: Mar, 22 2006 Date: May, 05 2006 Date: Feb, 12 2005 Date: Apr, 18 2005 |