
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Content Management



Hits: 408

CSSMenu with Management Tools

Hits: 390

The ASP-Tango Project

Hits: 348
ASPointer is an ActiveX®
Uses Microsoft Access
ASP-Tango is the most
This web site add-in is a
Component designed for use
database as storage for menu
powerful and easy to use
flexible inventory system
with Microsoft® Active Serve
items and XSLT
template engine for ASP
for your online business.
Pages© or in custom
transformation template to
ever. Completely separate
For real estate brokerages
applications. It provides a
generate JavaScript source
your HTML presentation from
or agents, for
whole range of ways to
code from your database.
your business and data
select specific information
Has extended object
logic. Extend ASP-Tango
dealerships, a libary or art
within XML and HTML
model based on arachnoWare
with content handler
gallery, for card collectors
documents, and files with
MenuConfigurator and
functions and subroutines
or music catalogs. The
similar delimited elements.
MenuBuilder Classes (pure
within your ASP pages
numerous features and
Fast and efficient, it can
ASP!) Menu can be
without modifying the
options enable you to adapt
even update the documents
displayed vertically and
template engine. ASP-Tango
it for your business model
to insert new content or
horizontally. This
is Open Source, which means
and astounding flexibility
modify existing content.
version uses XML data store
you can download it for free.
ensures that you can
for keeping configuration
customize it's appearance to
settings that can be changed
suit any web design and
via administrative console
extend its functionality
or manually in any text
with your own custom
editor. Tiny XSLT
scripts. With 20/20 DataShed
transformation template
you can publish and maintain
generates JavaScript helper
a virtual inventory on your
script and whole menu
current or developing web
structure based on data
site using web forms and
found within your database.
database management tools.
For international customers
it can operate in multiple
languages simultaneously and
is fully compatible with all
currencies and languages
supported by Windows. MLS
integration, RSS feeds,
Google Earth integration,
document and photo uploads,
email service, loan
calculators, virtual tours,
advanced search, agent
management tools, reports,
and Excel/xml/HTML data
export tools, online help.

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Feb, 12 2005

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Sep, 16 2006
This library has been created
The world's best supported
LIKI (LimitedWIKI) is a WIKI
Create an easy to edit
with one goal in mind:
software, designed for YOU,
like application for
instant Multi language web
easily create
the overworked webmaster!
creating and maintaining web
site with full asp cms
template-driven active
With more features than any
pages through collaboration,
(content management system)
web-pages. It allows you to:
other solution, Article
but with the restrictions
using a WYSIWYG Editor,
make your web-site template
Manager gives you absolutely
missing from traditional
Login levels, Audit Trails,
driven; insert active
everything you need to
WIKI. Accounts, restrictions
Security, Statistics,
content (date, time, number
manage your very own article
and permissions are
Instant Templates, Access,
of active users, use
driven website. *** Create
integrated throughout. Built
SQL or MySQL scripts &
different templates, even
thousands - or HUNDREDS of
using ASP 3.0 on the front
much more. Code ASP 3.0
change title), and enable or
thousands - of articles. ***
with Access backend.
& VBScript Features
disable your web-site
No Limitations. Make a
of allintaCMS -
headlines file to include in
your other pages, create
functionality - Provides
extra RSS feeds, publish an
page edit history &
entire duplicate version of
audit trail - User Level
your site for hand-held
Security Settings - 20 Free
devices, display your
template designs & color
articles in text-only
themes - Multiple menu
formats...it's up to you!
levels - Automated Site
*** Upload an unlimited
Map - Site Calendar -
number of images or file
Advanced File Manager for
attachments to each of your
images & downloads -
articles. *** Looks exactly
FAQs - WYSIWYG Editor -
like YOUR website. *** No
Website Statistics -
limitations on data. Create
Content Tree Navigation -
hundreds of thousands of
Easy Form Builder -
articles, tons of
Newsletters - Export to
categories, and hundreds of
Static HTML files
users. *** Cross Browser
Benefits of using
WYSIWYG. *** Unlimited Free
allintaCMS - Powerful, Easy
Support. Free Upgrades.
to use - Economical - Fast
Incomparable 90-day, no
site build - Rapid new
hassle, money back
design implementation (one
guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE
click) - A multi-language
site is now easy to
manage - Allows non
technical people to manage
their site - Flexible and
fully customisable by ASP

Date: Oct, 18 2001

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Jul, 19 2005

Date: Nov, 04 2005
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